Some 5E paladins follow the Oath of the Ancients, which calls them to celebrate and defend joy, to live life to the fullest. Singing is one way. Other forms of recreation – ones which are also necessary for the perpetuation of human life – may also qualify.
You can actually see Calamitus living up to his name, blasting the crowds like he mentioned. Great attention to detail, most people don’t even bother trying to remember things like that.
Look at everyone ignoring the REAL issue at hand: what mythical weapon(/gardening implement) Maddie be will wading into combat with this time. I’m rooting for a Mace of Disruption (which to the untrained eye resembles a soil augur), though even for the fast and loose technology level this fantasy kingdom runs on, that might be digging too deep.
I was wondering this same question but I think you hit the abomination (nail) with the Warhammer (you can figure this one out yourselves) with this guess.
Since this is a baseball game, I am thinking those dirt level drag thingies they use in between innings. She can call it the Drag of Justice! Or maybe the, Level of Justice!
So… Is Maddie _really_ a paladin?
Chosen by god, devoted to it and codex, and so on?
Or is it in reality another manifestation of her “make believe” powers β and in this case, because of Dereks help, she (remembers/understands/believes) again that she _is_ a paladin, and so her paladin powers and fearless returns?
(and, probably, so is some others parts of her persona)
My interpretation: Madeline has been clumsy, she’s dialed herself down, not directly because of her death and resurrection, but because she’s anxious and embarrassed about her crush on Derek. Once that anxiety is resolved, her clumsiness will end, she’ll stop holding back, and she’ll resume her well-established fighting style.
Regardless of how Derek feels. The courage to accept romantic rejection, and avoid bitterness, is a courage we rarely see demonstrated in fiction; though it’s all too often necessary in real life.
As for whether paladins are chosen by god… the difference between monotheism and polytheism, is “god” versus “a god”. Oerth and Faerun are polytheistic. I don’t recall evidence on whether this setting is monotheist, polytheist, or something else.
Well, i was talking about “small letter” god, i.e. one of the many.
(almost all versions of dnd paladins need some god as source of power, not _just_ ideals and being “worthy”)
Granted, at this points we really don’t know much (or anything?) about gods of this setting, so right now there not much grounds for hypotheses.
One thing of interest that we _had_ see, however, is the special effect that accompanied Maddie’s “Lay of Hands” β light, cherubs and trumpet.
And actually, it’s this overall over-the-top-ness, that slightly strengthens my suspicion about Maddie’s paladinic powers real nature β not many actual cleric’s healing spells should have so pronounced “and now a higher power is involved” display (but on the other hand, it could be depicted in this way _only_ because of comedic reasons).
(sorry, if my usage of english language and, especially, of it’s tenses, was, well, rusty)
Good reference to previous episode. Maddie says “the power of the gods” which establishes (a) she believes there are multiple gods, (b) she has access to power from them.
I don’t know whether she chose them, or they chose her. I don’t know whether other paladins, or other clerics, are capable of quiet healing. As you say, not much grounds.
By the way, you are correct in using lower case versus upper case, to establish what you mean by “god”. That can be a controversial topic in the USA.
The third edition player’s handbook is pretty clear in its discussion of how paladins relate to gods…. while they may serve the faiths of compatible deities, their divine spellcasting and other miraculous abilities come directly from the Force of Good itself (notably Good and not Law, so murderous templar/avenger types were officially Doing It Wrong at the time, prior to 5E basically dropping alignment as a concept).
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oh Hell yeah
No, no, no…
I goes:
Swiggity swooty
Maddie gonna get that booty.
Well, that took a while!
Woo! You go girl!
The smooch before the storm eh?
Also Rest in Piece Mimic and Kris. Buried under the stadium probably as well!
*Rest in Peace…
I sure am glad that I neither typed Peace nor Pieces so there’s no way to salvage that one.
Nah… Mimic turned into a small, unassuming household object for Kris to hide under!
A minor dwarf came back from being eaten by Cube. We’ll see
He didn’t look like a minor.
Perhaps a miner dwarf.
Every dwarf is a major dwarf, regardless of local age laws.
As my mum said to me on my 29th birthday when I told her some very important news, “Well, it’s about time!”
Ah…that is not the traditional take on the Paladin’s Oath, but go for it!
Depends on what take. Certainly there have been takes that allowed marriage and therefore wooing to paladins.
Some 5E paladins follow the Oath of the Ancients, which calls them to celebrate and defend joy, to live life to the fullest. Singing is one way. Other forms of recreation – ones which are also necessary for the perpetuation of human life – may also qualify.
You can actually see Calamitus living up to his name, blasting the crowds like he mentioned. Great attention to detail, most people don’t even bother trying to remember things like that.
Yay Maddie!
Well, that’s a non-standard use of laying on hands, but I’d allow it.
Look at everyone ignoring the REAL issue at hand: what mythical weapon(/gardening implement) Maddie be will wading into combat with this time. I’m rooting for a Mace of Disruption (which to the untrained eye resembles a soil augur), though even for the fast and loose technology level this fantasy kingdom runs on, that might be digging too deep.
My wager is on a Mace of Smiting that bears a curious resemblance to a simple baseball bat.
I was wondering this same question but I think you hit the abomination (nail) with the Warhammer (you can figure this one out yourselves) with this guess.
It’s amazing what you can accomplish with one of those, as George Carlin said of Joe Pesci.
Or some sort of concession stand food served on a stick.
Rat! Onnastick. Ketchup extra. Sold by a minor dwarf, from a tray, for an exorbitant price.
Since this is a baseball game, I am thinking those dirt level drag thingies they use in between innings. She can call it the Drag of Justice! Or maybe the, Level of Justice!
That “drag thingie” is a harrow of a sort.
EXACTLY what I wanted to say! GO MADELINE!
Woooo, go Maddy, kick that Eldritch Horror’s butt with the POWER OF LOVE!
???? That’s the Power of Love????
Cue Huey Lewis and the News!
There you go! Good to have you back!
Thy life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow~
[Chorus piece was cut due to being drowned out by intense squeeing from the smol minotaur, so we’re skipping ahead a bit.]
The funny thing is, Derek has been completely unaware of Madeline’s crush on him, so for him this is totally out of the blue.
Also, violence is only gratuitous if it doesn’t work, in which case you need to apply more.
She was afraid to let him know. . . hence the startled look
“Also, violence is only gratuitous if it doesnβt work, in which case you need to apply more.”
I’d say it’s the other way around… it’s gratuitous when it’s overkill.
“There is no overkill. There is only “Open Fire!” and “I need to reload.”
Paladin uses “Lay on Hands”
*slow clap.gif*
Yay Maddie! You go with your badass self!
My heart just melted. Such a sweet and epic page. Bravo.
OK. Hormones, the necessary milk to regrow the little inner devil since Anti-Mad left the building.
Get in there, girl! 8D Also get out there and kick serious ass.
So, am I the only one who finds the hipster abomination kind of eerily familiar?
(illustration for King Mouselet and the Prince Youth, 1905)
Anyone here the last lines with Maddy singing a la:
I have been coming back repeatedly to look at those last 3 panels and I am going to save a clip of them in my “cheer up” folder. π
i don’t know if Derek was unaware of Maddie’s feelings or it’s because Maddie just aggravated his cracked ribs, either way Maddie just face her fears!
Maddie and Derek get inspiration.
Maddie finally realized she had Aura of Courage
So… Is Maddie _really_ a paladin?
Chosen by god, devoted to it and codex, and so on?
Or is it in reality another manifestation of her “make believe” powers β and in this case, because of Dereks help, she (remembers/understands/believes) again that she _is_ a paladin, and so her paladin powers and fearless returns?
(and, probably, so is some others parts of her persona)
My interpretation: Madeline has been clumsy, she’s dialed herself down, not directly because of her death and resurrection, but because she’s anxious and embarrassed about her crush on Derek. Once that anxiety is resolved, her clumsiness will end, she’ll stop holding back, and she’ll resume her well-established fighting style.
Regardless of how Derek feels. The courage to accept romantic rejection, and avoid bitterness, is a courage we rarely see demonstrated in fiction; though it’s all too often necessary in real life.
As for whether paladins are chosen by god… the difference between monotheism and polytheism, is “god” versus “a god”. Oerth and Faerun are polytheistic. I don’t recall evidence on whether this setting is monotheist, polytheist, or something else.
Well, i was talking about “small letter” god, i.e. one of the many.
(almost all versions of dnd paladins need some god as source of power, not _just_ ideals and being “worthy”)
Granted, at this points we really don’t know much (or anything?) about gods of this setting, so right now there not much grounds for hypotheses.
One thing of interest that we _had_ see, however, is the special effect that accompanied Maddie’s “Lay of Hands” β light, cherubs and trumpet.
And actually, it’s this overall over-the-top-ness, that slightly strengthens my suspicion about Maddie’s paladinic powers real nature β not many actual cleric’s healing spells should have so pronounced “and now a higher power is involved” display (but on the other hand, it could be depicted in this way _only_ because of comedic reasons).
(sorry, if my usage of english language and, especially, of it’s tenses, was, well, rusty)
You have probably just trying to correct my not “a god” usage?
If so β yes, just forgot to use an article.
Good reference to previous episode. Maddie says “the power of the gods” which establishes (a) she believes there are multiple gods, (b) she has access to power from them.
I don’t know whether she chose them, or they chose her. I don’t know whether other paladins, or other clerics, are capable of quiet healing. As you say, not much grounds.
By the way, you are correct in using lower case versus upper case, to establish what you mean by “god”. That can be a controversial topic in the USA.
The third edition player’s handbook is pretty clear in its discussion of how paladins relate to gods…. while they may serve the faiths of compatible deities, their divine spellcasting and other miraculous abilities come directly from the Force of Good itself (notably Good and not Law, so murderous templar/avenger types were officially Doing It Wrong at the time, prior to 5E basically dropping alignment as a concept).
I’d probably heal Derek up a bit first, but then I probably wouldn’t be a great paladin. Wouldn’t be able to conserve resources well enough.
Cleric sexually assaulted by Paladin, cleric doesn’t seem to mind, details at ten!