You know, it would have been smart for the bard to take that note to an Elf she trusts for a translation, or to tell the League about an attempt to fix the game. Well, she’s not stupid, is she?
Given the game, she might have an Idiot Ball in her pocket. Plus, given how the elf chick treated her, she probably figures it’s an insult and wants to use it on her.
“Hospital volunteers also known as candy stripers work without regular pay in a variety of health care settings, usually under the direct supervision of nurses. Most hospitals train and supervise volunteers through specialized non-profit organizations known as auxiliaries. Directors of auxiliaries are most often paid employees of the hospitals.
The term candy striper is derived from the red-and-white striped pinafores that female volunteers traditionally wore in the United States, and are culturally reminiscent of candy canes. The term and its associated uniform are less frequently used in current clinical settings.”
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So are the Swingwraiths bound for all eternity to the ball, or the bat?
The bat, obviously. It only takes one swing to rule the ball.
Jeez, two comments in and we already can announce the winner.
I agree. God damn.
Epic comment is epic.
*claps slowly*
We’re not worthy!
Nine innings for more tall men donned to slide.
3 outs for the Elven team poised under a pop fly…
Seven for the dwarf closers with their balls of stone.
One for the Dark Lord stealing home.
In Dugout, where the coaches lie.
Somewhere there needs to be an award for ‘Webcomic gag that sets up the best comments *ever*…’
You know, it would have been smart for the bard to take that note to an Elf she trusts for a translation, or to tell the League about an attempt to fix the game. Well, she’s not stupid, is she?
“Now available at your local gift shop: autographed copies of ‘Smart Elves, Foolish Choices”…
Does she know any such elves?
Given the game, she might have an Idiot Ball in her pocket. Plus, given how the elf chick treated her, she probably figures it’s an insult and wants to use it on her.
Well, this is going to sock.
Even if I knew nothing about Rue Lily, I’d still be rooting for the Swingwraiths. Because wraiths/phantoms trump elves any day of the week.
Nonsense! A MTG green elf deck always beats a black spirit deck!
Candystriping? Now what might that mean?
That means “helping as an unpaid volunteer in a hospital”. Copy-paste from the relevant Wikipedia article ( ):
“Hospital volunteers also known as candy stripers work without regular pay in a variety of health care settings, usually under the direct supervision of nurses. Most hospitals train and supervise volunteers through specialized non-profit organizations known as auxiliaries. Directors of auxiliaries are most often paid employees of the hospitals.
The term candy striper is derived from the red-and-white striped pinafores that female volunteers traditionally wore in the United States, and are culturally reminiscent of candy canes. The term and its associated uniform are less frequently used in current clinical settings.”
Sort of like interning. Candystriper: “a usually teenage volunteer worker at a hospital”