Or just right click -> view image in the upper-right corner of the first panel; it’s a layered image with transparency, and will bring you right to the .gif overlay.
Ah, yes, I see it now. Though I suspect that our Fearless Author may have come up with this idea simply as a trick to artificially inflate traffic to his website, by getting the fans to constantly refresh the page until they see this. Diabolical, really….
It’s gotta be an Imp!
They’re servants of lawful evil, and have invisibility as a skill.
The Imp must either be his familiar or simply hired on as a bodyguard.
I bet the Imp has some sort of vorbal weapon, which was why it was able to decapitate that mugger a while back when he was trying to sneak up on the Viscount.
Reading this strip (and especially the first panel) close to midnight is slightly creepy!
But what a great idea! This is pushing the borders of the medium “comic”, no less!
There is no scripting involved. An animated GIF is superimposed over the top half of the first panel. It is fully transparent most of the time, but displays a shadow on the wall for 5 seconds every 35 seconds or so.
A sluggish refresh-rate accidentally revealed a bit more detail…
…by loading the “shadow-detail” before the rest of the page…
…it’s only the top-right quarter of the 1st panel.
It seems likely it’s an Imp. or maybe a Quasit –
If it is a hidden Quasit, is that a closet Quasit?
And if it is, it it so especially special example of such, would that make it a closet Quasit’s closet Quasit?
Ouch, right to the quick. Not sure if he researched her before, or if he just knows that an adventuring bard is one that couldn’t make it on the stage, but that last panel certainly gave her something to worry about.
…Also, I think I need to reset my shipping instincts, ’cause this would make an odd couple.
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For those wondering what roxy’s startled of: check the shadow on the first panel (reload page if neccecary).
I’m not seeing it….
The shadow changes. Reloading might not do it. You have to close the page and reopen it. Keep your eyes on the first panel.
I’m not sure, exactly, but WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?
If reloading doesn’t do it, hit ctrl+F5. That’ll force it to actually reload the page, instead of reloading it from the cache.
Well, it seems to change on its own every 30 seconds or so. Looks like the page is a GIF to me. In any event, pretty creative effect!
Or just right click -> view image in the upper-right corner of the first panel; it’s a layered image with transparency, and will bring you right to the .gif overlay.
Looks like a devil perched on his shoulder.
Looks to me like an invisible imp on his shoulder.
Ah, yes, I see it now. Though I suspect that our Fearless Author may have come up with this idea simply as a trick to artificially inflate traffic to his website, by getting the fans to constantly refresh the page until they see this. Diabolical, really….
It’s gotta be an Imp!
They’re servants of lawful evil, and have invisibility as a skill.
The Imp must either be his familiar or simply hired on as a bodyguard.
I bet the Imp has some sort of vorbal weapon, which was why it was able to decapitate that mugger a while back when he was trying to sneak up on the Viscount.
Well that’s new…
Actually, he’s had some pretty diabolic shadows before.
Nobles always hang out in dark alleys in fantasy universes. This guy seems legit.
I bet this guy has a really strong concience.
An Eberron-world-type Changeling? Doppelganger? Tiefling? Some sort of yugoloth in disguise? So many questions…
Dang! I would have never thought of an animated hint like this! Impressive!
THAT is a great effect!
Better the devil on your shoulder you know than the instigator that we still don’t know who he is?
Reading this strip (and especially the first panel) close to midnight is slightly creepy!
But what a great idea! This is pushing the borders of the medium “comic”, no less!
Anybody still not seeing it, if you have a script blocker, try turning that off, or allowing rustyandco.com.
There is no scripting involved. An animated GIF is superimposed over the top half of the first panel. It is fully transparent most of the time, but displays a shadow on the wall for 5 seconds every 35 seconds or so.
A sluggish refresh-rate accidentally revealed a bit more detail…
…by loading the “shadow-detail” before the rest of the page…
…it’s only the top-right quarter of the 1st panel.
Warlock with imp familiar
That would be my guess.
It seems likely it’s an Imp. or maybe a Quasit –
If it is a hidden Quasit, is that a closet Quasit?
And if it is, it it so especially special example of such, would that make it a closet Quasit’s closet Quasit?
Quasit Fornia?
I’m kind of hoping it’s a Quasit…
I do too, just for this joke alone….
I also agree with this.
I saw the fnord!
Was there some detail I miHOLY CELESTIA!
So… The devil’s in the details?
Ouch, right to the quick. Not sure if he researched her before, or if he just knows that an adventuring bard is one that couldn’t make it on the stage, but that last panel certainly gave her something to worry about.
…Also, I think I need to reset my shipping instincts, ’cause this would make an odd couple.
Weeeell, she did ask for a lucifer last comic, more or less.
I KNEW I saw a pointy tail so many months back!
Apparently, bard souls are at a premium.
Going back through the archives, there are at least two panels where you can make out the Viscount’s little hitchhiker. I never noticed, shamefully.
OMG! The smokestack is *following* him!
I hope this guy is a legitimate threat rather than a goofy villain or an over the top threat to the universe.