They must have been hard to get a hold of. I wonder how Robespierre got his foot in the door? Either way, they would be a shoe in for champions if not for their next opponents. The danger of the wraiths stealing their soles is bad enough, but Stromscale has some sort of scheme afoot as well.
Good to see that Robespierre is choosing forgiveness, rather than booting anyone off the team. Those shoes really get the point across.
The devastating kicks that the Mountain Giants can now deliver means that their enemies will truly be pun-ished; however, I fear that this increase in kicking could result in a decrease in punch-lines.
You’d be surprised how keen a businessman Robespierre can be when he needs to. Actually, they were going to splurge on black shoes with serrated aglets, but they decided that it would wind up being too edgy.
Indeed, Robespierre is being nice and polite, he’s making a genuine peace offering… but he’s also getting just a little bit of revenge for his own bruised feelings.
Smoothly done! ^_^
Hmm: Derek cast a divination for the Doogans a while back: “The roadster of wealth will come from the battleship of authority.”
Battleship logo, Cruiser brand. Nothing springs to mind right away.
Suddenly Goomba Stomp becomes a viable move. I can’t wait to see what kind of moves Stabs come up with for her new footwear. She should just think of them as “wearable foot daggers” to make it easier to accept in her head.
I think you’ve hit upon precisely what has Stabs in a mental “reboot”:
Halflings who AREN’T barefoot?
—That’s a heresy that she’s familiar with – she can handle THAT.
—But CLEATS – knives for her FEET – except that she has to WEAR them on her FEET
( … this may take awhile … )
—& this gift is from PETEY???!?
( … “TILT” … “TILT” … “TILT” … )
( … “the party you are trying to reach is unavailable – please try again later … BEEP!” … )
“For out of his bag, gifts of knives for her feet,
Dressed all in red, he must be St. Pete,
And inside that arena , all the Hill Giants say,
Stabatha’s small heart grew 3 sizes that day!”
Rusty and Co. and is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards’ trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at
Sharp shoes!? That’s almost cleating!
They must have been hard to get a hold of. I wonder how Robespierre got his foot in the door? Either way, they would be a shoe in for champions if not for their next opponents. The danger of the wraiths stealing their soles is bad enough, but Stromscale has some sort of scheme afoot as well.
Save some puns for the rest of us, you heel!
Name brand, I thought these guys were working on a Shoestring budget?
Good to see that Robespierre is choosing forgiveness, rather than booting anyone off the team. Those shoes really get the point across.
The devastating kicks that the Mountain Giants can now deliver means that their enemies will truly be pun-ished; however, I fear that this increase in kicking could result in a decrease in punch-lines.
Those shoes are good at making budget cuts. They are also good at making budget lacerations, budget dismemberments, and budget decapitations.
You’d be surprised how keen a businessman Robespierre can be when he needs to. Actually, they were going to splurge on black shoes with serrated aglets, but they decided that it would wind up being too edgy.
He must have bootstrapped himself.
Puns aside, Robespierre is a barbarian. He didn’t get his foot in the door – he put his foot *through* the door.
Malicious generosity. The sign of a truly devious companion.
Indeed, Robespierre is being nice and polite, he’s making a genuine peace offering… but he’s also getting just a little bit of revenge for his own bruised feelings.
Smoothly done! ^_^
Bewildered disgruntlement. Ah, I love Stabs.
I think a lot of toes are going to be stepped on in the next match.
So does this make Robespierre the “battleship of authority”?
Wearing shoes like that, his feet will certainly convey a great deal of authority.
Hmm: Derek cast a divination for the Doogans a while back: “The roadster of wealth will come from the battleship of authority.”
Battleship logo, Cruiser brand. Nothing springs to mind right away.
Derek didn’t cast Divination, he cast Bluff and it was Super Effective.
Shoes clEat?
I see how the whole team getting spiky footwear could be an asset against the swingwraiths, after all, every ghoul’s crazy bout a sharp dressed clan.
+1 (Heck, +2!)
Someone’s at the ZZ Top of their game.
Bang bang.
I shall cherish this forever.
True the (worst? best? whatever) pun of the year. My congratulations.
Suddenly Goomba Stomp becomes a viable move. I can’t wait to see what kind of moves Stabs come up with for her new footwear. She should just think of them as “wearable foot daggers” to make it easier to accept in her head.
I think you’ve hit upon precisely what has Stabs in a mental “reboot”:
Halflings who AREN’T barefoot?
—That’s a heresy that she’s familiar with – she can handle THAT.
—But CLEATS – knives for her FEET – except that she has to WEAR them on her FEET
( … this may take awhile … )
—& this gift is from PETEY???!?
( … “TILT” … “TILT” … “TILT” … )
( … “the party you are trying to reach is unavailable – please try again later … BEEP!” … )
Remember that mimic was present. He might’ve suggested the brand to exploit the ‘prophecy’.
“For out of his bag, gifts of knives for her feet,
Dressed all in red, he must be St. Pete,
And inside that arena , all the Hill Giants say,
Stabatha’s small heart grew 3 sizes that day!”
This page. This. Page. …. this page is the first time I have found a favorite point in the comic. Out-of-the-park.