Also, she’s clearly taking out her annoyance by enforcing a dead-letter rule. Witness that it’s a surprise to them even though they were wearing no shoes in the first game:
How does she Even Expect Cube or Mimic to WEAR Shoes in the First place? Also, Do they Even Make Rust Monster Sized/proof Shoes?… I’d ALSO not Add Metal Spikes under the Feet of a Barbarian during a Sporting event, no Matter how Violent it’s Meant to be, it can’t end well for anybody….
OK, Bai’s being a bitch. I can understand penalty for dress code violation but arbitrary penalty because of personal issues with a specific team member BEFORE the game even started, well… she’s a bitch, plain and simple. There, bring on another -10 points.
No… shoes? For monsters and a race of people, halflings, who are known for not wearing shoes? Did the Swingwraiths have shoes? This is a bit of ridiculous scoring system, it’s blatantly discriminatory, have they been down points every game so far?
I interpreted it that, since she’s fed up with Kris being a horny halfling, she’s throwing the book at them on rules and regulations that technically exist but aren’t usually enforced.
She didn’t say anything about the non-humanoids not wearing shirts, so presumably they do make exceptions.
But there’s a human there who isn’t wearing shoes. And if Dirk and Kris find shoes distasteful, they clearly have experience wearing them. Halflings do make use of magic boots; they wear shoes when they have a reason, they just don’t need to.
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That’s a very speciest dress code ya got there.
Sounds like we need Golden Gus to make a comeback
Also, she’s clearly taking out her annoyance by enforcing a dead-letter rule. Witness that it’s a surprise to them even though they were wearing no shoes in the first game:
Neither are those trolls, for that matter.
How does she Even Expect Cube or Mimic to WEAR Shoes in the First place? Also, Do they Even Make Rust Monster Sized/proof Shoes?… I’d ALSO not Add Metal Spikes under the Feet of a Barbarian during a Sporting event, no Matter how Violent it’s Meant to be, it can’t end well for anybody….
Shoes can, with creativity, be worn elsewhere than on one’s feet.
OK, Bai’s being a bitch. I can understand penalty for dress code violation but arbitrary penalty because of personal issues with a specific team member BEFORE the game even started, well… she’s a bitch, plain and simple. There, bring on another -10 points.
I’ll argue that for the amount of harassment she’s endured, Ms. Bai is being merciful.
I read that as two violations
1) Robespierre’s unsportsmanlike conduct from the previous game.
2) A total lack of footwear.
But hmmmm, yeah,, I see your point.
Yes, I believe there might have been some off screen personal fouls too…holding …illegal use of hands…butt-ending…
Harassing an official merely earning a point penalty? Very generous of her.
Bothering an official during the course of her duties is not a personal matter.
I am surprised that Stabs didn’t say that they don’t have him on the team for his brains.
No… shoes? For monsters and a race of people, halflings, who are known for not wearing shoes? Did the Swingwraiths have shoes? This is a bit of ridiculous scoring system, it’s blatantly discriminatory, have they been down points every game so far?
I interpreted it that, since she’s fed up with Kris being a horny halfling, she’s throwing the book at them on rules and regulations that technically exist but aren’t usually enforced.
She didn’t say anything about the non-humanoids not wearing shirts, so presumably they do make exceptions.
But there’s a human there who isn’t wearing shoes. And if Dirk and Kris find shoes distasteful, they clearly have experience wearing them. Halflings do make use of magic boots; they wear shoes when they have a reason, they just don’t need to.
Rusty looks like he’s wondering if the regulation shoes apply to quadrupeds.
Oh, and Slobber’s headed for the ball a little early innit he? Looks like it’s gonna be as chaotic as a t-ball game today…
Don’t you mean ‘Slobbspierre’? =D
Ha! Good one! 😆
Robespierre fetch ball?
The price is high and it’s up to Stabs to foot the bill. Not looking good, all things considered.
Everyone so quick to forget that Bai has been given ample reason to inspect our “heroes” dress as of late: