“…literally ANY fire resistance…” my ass. Even ignoring the damage from that dynamite, being submerged in lava (which he would be after that fall) is 20d6 fire damage PER ROUND. And even if he gets out of it, he still takes half as much damage for 1d3 rounds after. He would need complete immunity to fire to survive that.
Now, that’s not to say chuckles here didn’t plan for that, but even Fire Resistance 30 would have trouble protecting you from that.
“except in the case of total immersion (such as when a character falls into the crater of an active volcano), which deals 20d6 points of damage per round.”
RAW, are you claiming that Grinner is not falling into the crater of an active volcano? Because I’m pretty sure he is so: total immersion => 20d6 fire damage and ” However, a creature immune to fire might still drown if completely immersed in lava.” drowning as clearly the game rules imply that lava is liquid enough to drown in…
Whether you want to use the word drown or suffocate, the fact remains that lava is significantly denser than water so you should be able to float on the surface unless you’re carrying something really heavy. Like, twice your weight heavy, not just a suit of armour. If you get submerged, then you can drown in lava.
It doesn’t matter if he floats or not because he’s basically toast. Hot gasses bits boiling. Heck, he’s not going to burn in the lava, he’s going to straight up melt. His blood or any liquids inside him will turn into vapor instantly in the intense heat.
The villain who is a somewhat foolish but smart bumbling dog is asking to be hired…They just need to pat his head and he’ll be loyal to them. Not possible for some of them, but hey.
I’d hire him. Loyal and friendly tanks are hard to find, even if they aren’t overly bright, and tend to drool a bit. That’s really not much different from a lot of fighters anyway. Doubt Grinner is gone for good, but he’s gone for now. Grab the Paladin, get the pug-gnoll to carry her, and blow this Popsicle stand.
as a guard for the bar (that stab own) ?
he is big placid dedicated to his task (as long as it is simple) and patient (tolerating grinner as a boss)
and have low ambition and intellignece.
Quite a perfect minion
Did she have one? Is her Use Magic Device skill up to handling a scroll from outside her spell list? It’s great to say, hypothetically, she could have done a million things, but hey, if I were a first-level wizard with control of a sphere of annihilation, I’d probably win lots of fights. Doesn’t mean it’s a reasonable expectation.
He’s only coming back with a Wish/Resurrect combo at this point. Indeed, he may have a friend in a low place capable of it, but it’s gonna cost someone. He better be worth it.
Or maybe this Grinner is a simulacrum (red eyes at the end is interesting), and the real Grinner is in a tank somewhere.
Could have also had a contingency teleport of some kind, too, but kinda doubt it.
..OR he can always be a “house rules” plot-magicked villain of some kind. He always comes back.. with the GM’s / author’s blessing.
“Demonic Gnoll” has been one of the more common themes at the edge of D&D for years now, and “Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can imagine” has been done by the Deamonaic crowd on several occasions. Mark my words, we’ll see Grinner again in the Templates cost in levels.
Dear god, it’s like a bad acid flashback. We had an orc chieftain that had some kind of relationship to Gruumsh and no matter how many times we killed him and no matter what way we disposed of the body (even cut a bag of holding we had stuffed him in), he always came back. He was almost the first encounter our group had and WAS the last encounter I was involved with before changing bases, three years later.
If Grinner is involved with the worship of Yeenoghu (yeah I looked it up in the Deities and Demigods), Rusty and Co. could be in for a long haul with him.
That sounds like a hilarious, fantastic game. You should tell us some more stories from it.
My own favorite campaigns were always run with buddies from base, heck, I still game with them online years later. Beats some of the chuds I’ve tried gaming with in the past, I just don’t have the patience anymore to deal with finding a new group of decent sorts.
…And I saw the surprise and the fear in his eyes
When when Cube’s whomping caused him some pain;
and I toasted you, Said, “Grinner you may be through
But you’ll never hear me complain! “
Here’s hoping that 1) Maddie lives and 2) Roxy ditches her old bard costume in favor of an outfit more like she’s got now. She looks twice as good in anything other than the bardsuit.
Reoccuring villains are good… up until you see them every day. As long as Grinner stays away for a few levels I’m perfectly fine with him coming back over and over.
Let me be that boring person: you cannot normally drown in lava. Why? Because it is very dense. Any organic creature would simply float on its surface. And rules mention “active volcano” specifically just because lava is disturbed during process of eruption and you can be dragged underneath its surface by convection counter-current within that lava.
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Doggone. If the explosion didn’t get Grinner, the lava will.
Unless he has literally ANY fire resistance.
It would be worth of GOLD
“Hahaha! I have fire resistance! I won’t die!”
“You know that you’re at 0HP”
“Yes, and?”
“Lava is a liquid. You drown in it and die”
Actually, lava is also rock, so it’s a bit too dense to drown in as long as you’re smart.
“…literally ANY fire resistance…” my ass. Even ignoring the damage from that dynamite, being submerged in lava (which he would be after that fall) is 20d6 fire damage PER ROUND. And even if he gets out of it, he still takes half as much damage for 1d3 rounds after. He would need complete immunity to fire to survive that.
Now, that’s not to say chuckles here didn’t plan for that, but even Fire Resistance 30 would have trouble protecting you from that.
What they were talking about is that due to poor grammar, any fire resistance at all confers lava immunity.
Huh. I never noticed that. Well, I see what you mean, but it’s obvious enough what was meant that I wouldn’t allow that if I were DMing.
“except in the case of total immersion (such as when a character falls into the crater of an active volcano), which deals 20d6 points of damage per round.”
RAW, are you claiming that Grinner is not falling into the crater of an active volcano? Because I’m pretty sure he is so: total immersion => 20d6 fire damage and ” However, a creature immune to fire might still drown if completely immersed in lava.” drowning as clearly the game rules imply that lava is liquid enough to drown in…
Whether you want to use the word drown or suffocate, the fact remains that lava is significantly denser than water so you should be able to float on the surface unless you’re carrying something really heavy. Like, twice your weight heavy, not just a suit of armour. If you get submerged, then you can drown in lava.
It doesn’t matter if he floats or not because he’s basically toast. Hot gasses bits boiling. Heck, he’s not going to burn in the lava, he’s going to straight up melt. His blood or any liquids inside him will turn into vapor instantly in the intense heat.
Friends in Low Places folks……………Baator anyone? We’ve not introduced any of those playmates yet.
I am a little disappointed. I was expecting Cube to fork Grinner to the ground, watch him explode, eat the pieces, THEN spit the bones into the lava….
Now THAT is an EXCELLENT idea that I would like to see.
The villain who is a somewhat foolish but smart bumbling dog is asking to be hired…They just need to pat his head and he’ll be loyal to them. Not possible for some of them, but hey.
Looks like stabs has a new waiter for the hook.
I’d hire him. Loyal and friendly tanks are hard to find, even if they aren’t overly bright, and tend to drool a bit. That’s really not much different from a lot of fighters anyway. Doubt Grinner is gone for good, but he’s gone for now. Grab the Paladin, get the pug-gnoll to carry her, and blow this Popsicle stand.
Certainly one could make much more foolish hiring decisions.
as a guard for the bar (that stab own) ?
he is big placid dedicated to his task (as long as it is simple) and patient (tolerating grinner as a boss)
and have low ambition and intellignece.
Quite a perfect minion
Stabs doesn’t need a guard. But he can serve drinks.
As long as the patrons don’t mind a little slobber in their beverages. Ooh, offer those tiny umbrellas for an additional fee. Profit margins galore!
I’d prefer to hire him, and fire the bard.
A bard who left Maddie to die. A bard who could have done… ANYTHING but in the end, didn’t do ANYTHING.
You… you spoony bard!
I challenge you to name one thing she could have done to help against an entire backpack full of dynamite.
Scroll of Gust of Wind
Did she have one? Is her Use Magic Device skill up to handling a scroll from outside her spell list? It’s great to say, hypothetically, she could have done a million things, but hey, if I were a first-level wizard with control of a sphere of annihilation, I’d probably win lots of fights. Doesn’t mean it’s a reasonable expectation.
He’s only coming back with a Wish/Resurrect combo at this point. Indeed, he may have a friend in a low place capable of it, but it’s gonna cost someone. He better be worth it.
Or maybe this Grinner is a simulacrum (red eyes at the end is interesting), and the real Grinner is in a tank somewhere.
Could have also had a contingency teleport of some kind, too, but kinda doubt it.
..OR he can always be a “house rules” plot-magicked villain of some kind. He always comes back.. with the GM’s / author’s blessing.
*Sigh* Best pick up a Ghost Touch weapon, just in case…
“Demonic Gnoll” has been one of the more common themes at the edge of D&D for years now, and “Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can imagine” has been done by the Deamonaic crowd on several occasions. Mark my words, we’ll see Grinner again in the Templates cost in levels.
A simulacrum… you’re thinking Doombot?
Looks like Team Grinner’s blasting off again.
Let’s just hope that the “ding” sound he makes isn’t him leveling up.
X.Y.U. Grinner.
And into the eyes of the jackyl I say ka-boom
Okay, I know it can’t be right but my first thought was “Xamine Your Uterus?”…
I don’t know. I just don’t know.
X.Y.U. is a Smashing Pumpkins song. The rest was lyrics.
A re-occuring gnoll? Sorry. It’s today and the camel won’t shut up and I’m proofreading a document that deserves to be dropped in a lava pit.
Dear god, it’s like a bad acid flashback. We had an orc chieftain that had some kind of relationship to Gruumsh and no matter how many times we killed him and no matter what way we disposed of the body (even cut a bag of holding we had stuffed him in), he always came back. He was almost the first encounter our group had and WAS the last encounter I was involved with before changing bases, three years later.
If Grinner is involved with the worship of Yeenoghu (yeah I looked it up in the Deities and Demigods), Rusty and Co. could be in for a long haul with him.
That sounds like a hilarious, fantastic game. You should tell us some more stories from it.
My own favorite campaigns were always run with buddies from base, heck, I still game with them online years later. Beats some of the chuds I’ve tried gaming with in the past, I just don’t have the patience anymore to deal with finding a new group of decent sorts.
Aw, how nice. Grinner’s got some beer to chase his blues away. He’ll be OK.
…And I saw the surprise and the fear in his eyes
When when Cube’s whomping caused him some pain;
and I toasted you, Said, “Grinner you may be through
But you’ll never hear me complain! “
Where do we send our questions to?
Also; Spell-stitched undead template?
To clairify;
my Iphone would not recognize the “Send your questions” link.
The mailing address is mike@rustyandco.com .
Sorry for the confusion.
Here’s hoping that 1) Maddie lives and 2) Roxy ditches her old bard costume in favor of an outfit more like she’s got now. She looks twice as good in anything other than the bardsuit.
Wow, this is a little close to home – I got fired yesterday…so I know how Slobber feels.
Are those friends in low places any good at sewing?
Grinner … heel!
Prediction: Grinner will show up good as new in 5 years and say this was just a Grinnerbot.
Only to be defeated by a druid with a squirrel companion.
Remember people
Two more events the psion predicted must still come to pass…
“Miss Perkin’s: Go for the Jugular” and “Miss Doogan: Remember your magic words”
Long past: http://rustyandco.com/comic/level-7-29/ & http://rustyandco.com/comic/level-7-33/
These did happen.
Presti – http://rustyandco.com/comic/level-7-29/
Stabs – http://rustyandco.com/comic/level-7-33/
Reoccuring villains are good… up until you see them every day. As long as Grinner stays away for a few levels I’m perfectly fine with him coming back over and over.
This chapter sure was a blast!
Let me be that boring person: you cannot normally drown in lava. Why? Because it is very dense. Any organic creature would simply float on its surface. And rules mention “active volcano” specifically just because lava is disturbed during process of eruption and you can be dragged underneath its surface by convection counter-current within that lava.