Then again, I’d look pretty ecstatic too if I got to carry around a cannon that launches creatures two size classes bigger than me, and had carte blanche to stab a handful of bad impersonators.
On that note, Stabs just killed four people in under three panels, *without* the cannon. I’m going to let that feat speak for itself.
she looks happy from the start.
a possibility is that every derro is a slightly altered version of her, so she needed a small change too. and expression was the quickest she found
I’m sorry have you SEEN how many knives she can pull out at a moment’s notice? Four people only avoids underperforming because there wasn’t any more room to perform
Oh, we love the circus; everyone loves the circus
Including psychopathic cannoneers
There’s clowns in the circle, keeps the frown from the circus
Great targets for a stabby rogue to clear …
Anyone else notice the corpses aren’t in the same order they were marching in? Deer legs was second in line but is the corpse farthest back. Giant was in the back but is the corpse in the foreground (where lobster claws should be)…
But if you go back to where the not-Stabs first appeared, there were 11 of them.
and it’s possible that’s not all of them.
Oh, I know, and that’s true. I was only pointing out that the ones we see immediately behind the Derro lady are in a different order a mere three panels later than they were while marching.
Also, the alt text has been changed to point out that they are out of order.
Not sure whether that was intended as a “Hey look, they noticed and changed the alt text, possibly in response to your comment” or a “Read the alt text before posting, dummy”, but I’ll go ahead and assume it’s the former.
For future reference: the alt text when I posted said “They lived as they died: in marching order”. Now it’s been changed.
Stabs made a mistake here. At under 30 feet, she gets her sneak attack with ranged weapons too. Should gone for the sneak attack rhino, unless this counts as a surprise round, in which case ‘sneak attack Rhino to the face!”
Let’s see… for a Rhinoceros to be one of the creatures pulled out of a bag of tricks, it’d have to be of the Tan variety.
Only one animal can exist at a time (lasting for 10 minutes, until slain, or ordered back into the bag, whichever comes first), and the bag can only be used ten times in a week. It’s already been used once.
So that cannon, unless there are multiple tan bags of tricks serving as ammo, has only 9 shots left and can’t be reloaded until next week.
I think it’s perfectly reasonable for Stabs to save her shots for when she needs it, especially since some of them can be kinda duds (she has a 19% chance of firing a warhorse instead of something huge and/or predatory).
I do see some difference between a Rhino flying into my face and a warhorse flying into it, the Rhino’s front end is more pointy. They are both just as lethal at cannon velocities though.
Well yeah, but comparatively speaking, considering the other options are either a Rhino, Brown Bear, Lion, or Tiger, ya gotta admit that shooting a warhorse is kind of a dud.
Unless you need to make a fast getaway afterward, then you bareback that equine and beat hooves towards the exit.
Admittedly, this probably wouldn’t work for Stabs since she’s Small sized (halfling and all). She’d need a warpony, and a Tan Bag of Tricks doesn’t produce those.
You know that a heavy horse weighs 2-3 times as much as a lion, right? When it comes to one being fired at me, I’ll take the lion thank you very much. Given how hard horses kick, I’m not entirely sure you wouldn’t be better off fighting a lion, either…
Actually, she’d still get her back stab bonus. If she caught them flatfooted then the bonus is still in effect. And I’d definitely say she managed to pull that off.
It’s a nickname. As Legacy said, she stabs things so often that people just call her “Stabs”. Kind of like how someone who talks a lot might be called “Chatterbox” instead of their real name by their friends.
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Seems like using the lethal ordinance on someone in Slobber’s mouth would be inconvenient for Slobber. But maybe they thought of that already.
Lethal ordnance, maybe. I guess a lethal ordinance would be a proclamation saying “that guy can be killed”?
I’m guessing that slobber, with someone on the “kill” list, is on the kill list. None of them like slobber.
Poor Slobber.
Oh my god. That second panel. Guess that giant cannon helped her fit right in perfectly?
Is… is that Stabs? She looks entirely too happy.
Then again, I’d look pretty ecstatic too if I got to carry around a cannon that launches creatures two size classes bigger than me, and had carte blanche to stab a handful of bad impersonators.
On that note, Stabs just killed four people in under three panels, *without* the cannon. I’m going to let that feat speak for itself.
Dangerously happy at that. . .
I don’t know if Presti knew what she was doing when she let Stabs lug that about.
I think she knew EXACTLY what she was doing.
Not exactly. The scale would have been — a bit off.
she looks happy from the start.
a possibility is that every derro is a slightly altered version of her, so she needed a small change too. and expression was the quickest she found
Man, that takes me back to playing Saboteur and walking behind a line of Nazis, snapping each one’s neck as I worked my way up the line.
But my favorite is still Presti, she works so hard.
I’m sorry have you SEEN how many knives she can pull out at a moment’s notice? Four people only avoids underperforming because there wasn’t any more room to perform
Stabs has never looked so neurotically happy.
Stabs has never been so triumphant before. The last time was after she did all those monsters solo and had to wonder about the guys.
I ……LOVE…..Stabs!
The blood-spattered smile murderous madness is often a more effective intimidate check than the snarling face of spiteful rage.
I wonder whether she is enjoying “Disturbing but effective” or if she’s finding it disturbing as well.
Oh, we love the circus; everyone loves the circus
Including psychopathic cannoneers
There’s clowns in the circle, keeps the frown from the circus
Great targets for a stabby rogue to clear …
Anyone else notice the corpses aren’t in the same order they were marching in? Deer legs was second in line but is the corpse farthest back. Giant was in the back but is the corpse in the foreground (where lobster claws should be)…
I also don’t see any claws on the 5 bodies I see.
But if you go back to where the not-Stabs first appeared, there were 11 of them.
and it’s possible that’s not all of them.
Oh, I know, and that’s true. I was only pointing out that the ones we see immediately behind the Derro lady are in a different order a mere three panels later than they were while marching.
Also, the alt text has been changed to point out that they are out of order.
It’s true, I edited it. It’s more consistent with the current and upcoming strips.
Check the alt-text
Not sure whether that was intended as a “Hey look, they noticed and changed the alt text, possibly in response to your comment” or a “Read the alt text before posting, dummy”, but I’ll go ahead and assume it’s the former.
For future reference: the alt text when I posted said “They lived as they died: in marching order”. Now it’s been changed.
Stabs made a mistake here. At under 30 feet, she gets her sneak attack with ranged weapons too. Should gone for the sneak attack rhino, unless this counts as a surprise round, in which case ‘sneak attack Rhino to the face!”
Let’s see… for a Rhinoceros to be one of the creatures pulled out of a bag of tricks, it’d have to be of the Tan variety.
Only one animal can exist at a time (lasting for 10 minutes, until slain, or ordered back into the bag, whichever comes first), and the bag can only be used ten times in a week. It’s already been used once.
So that cannon, unless there are multiple tan bags of tricks serving as ammo, has only 9 shots left and can’t be reloaded until next week.
I think it’s perfectly reasonable for Stabs to save her shots for when she needs it, especially since some of them can be kinda duds (she has a 19% chance of firing a warhorse instead of something huge and/or predatory).
I do see some difference between a Rhino flying into my face and a warhorse flying into it, the Rhino’s front end is more pointy. They are both just as lethal at cannon velocities though.
Well yeah, but comparatively speaking, considering the other options are either a Rhino, Brown Bear, Lion, or Tiger, ya gotta admit that shooting a warhorse is kind of a dud.
Unless you need to make a fast getaway afterward, then you bareback that equine and beat hooves towards the exit.
Admittedly, this probably wouldn’t work for Stabs since she’s Small sized (halfling and all). She’d need a warpony, and a Tan Bag of Tricks doesn’t produce those.
You know that a heavy horse weighs 2-3 times as much as a lion, right? When it comes to one being fired at me, I’ll take the lion thank you very much. Given how hard horses kick, I’m not entirely sure you wouldn’t be better off fighting a lion, either…
Actually, she’d still get her back stab bonus. If she caught them flatfooted then the bonus is still in effect. And I’d definitely say she managed to pull that off.
You mean ordnance. An ordinance is a law or regulation.
Maybe they’re Lawful Evil.
Fixed. Thank you.
And that is how you hide in plain sight everyone!
Lethal Ordinance: The most Lawful way to kill people.
So why do they call her “Stabs,” anyway. Is it some kind of family name?
She stabs things.
I don’t get it.
It’s a nickname. As Legacy said, she stabs things so often that people just call her “Stabs”. Kind of like how someone who talks a lot might be called “Chatterbox” instead of their real name by their friends.
I think you failed your snark check. :p
And just think. PRINCESS is the one that has the “Run away” notes scribbled all over her file.
I’m guessing that Grinner may be getting a contract dispute in the future, ’cause this is some seriously poor Intel on his part.
I dunno. Given a choice, I might prefer Stabs to the Princess.
Yep. At least with Stabs it’d be over quickly.
this is one of the most wonderful pages of this comic so far
Is that thing even loaded?
Yes. But it only has nine shorts left.
After that, it has to submit a full-page article.
I love the continuing smurf analogue.. there’s only one female and the rest males.