This has surely been asked before, but if the Princess is the DM’s girlfriend, does that mean Whitey is the DM? And since she broke up with Whitey, doesn’t that mean she would lose her powers?
She was the DM’s girlfriend before she hooked up with Whitey. As for her powers, I don’t know if her prestige class has any rules like “loose all class powers if you break up with the DM.”
Nah, the DM’s still desperate to get her back, so she still gets all of the advantages (with none of the costs, but without the option of advancement).
Powers are retained through the “possesses incriminating photographs” and “knows just who to (potentially) show them to” abilities common to chaotic ex-girlfriends.
I remember him trying to sell Mimic and Presty a Mattock of the Titans (lite version). He probably still has that. She seems to prefer Pole Arms though, so maybe a Glaive? (extension limb trimmer)
Badeline has a scythe, so that’s probably out. Rake? Sickle? Pruning hook? Hay fork, silage fork, manure fork?
Or perhaps some heavier equipment, like a plow – pulled by her paladin mount, if she has one. (I can’t imagine what sort of animal that would be.) At level 20, she’ll get a combine harvester.
Madeline used to have the nicest horse you’ve ever seen as her paladin mount. Unfortunately, she was absolutely convinced it was a pegasus with retractile wings, which led to a tragic accident involving a rather high cliff and the many sharp rocks at its bottom.
If her diety is on the ball, the mount will have a high intelligence. Considering the way this comic goes though, she’ll probably wind up with a War Turtle.
Rusty has got to bee the saddest looking Rust Monster I’ve ever seen. (And, coincidentally, I used to work at a clinic that treated depressed Rust Monsters, so that’s really sad!)
I just noticed that Rusty and Madeline both have little white bubbles above their heads as they start talking, so I’m going to say the lack of coherence is due to being nearly dead and only being able to move through adrenaline. I think once they rest up our favorite Rust Monster and Paladin will be their normal selves. I know when I’m exhausted my speech starts to go the caveman route.
But in Rusty’s case, “normal self” doesn’t mean more articulate. It means every sentence takes the form “eat “. He’s actually stretching his verbal abilities well beyond their normal limits right now, out of determination to help his friends.
Madeline, though, will probably shake off her confusion in a frame or two and give a complete (if idiosyncratic and infused with Madeline Logic) account of the situation. Can’t wait to read it.
Look at his photo on the cast page – that’s always been there, it’s where two segments of his exoskeleton join together, a perfectly normal part of standard Rust Monster physiology, so nothing to be concerned about.
I know it doesn’t actually make any difference at all, but I’m trying to see the exact order he says that in. “Gnoll-Cube-Shovel-Tent-Cliff-Mimic-Help”?
Greetions and Salutatings from a new reader. Just finished the archives yesterday. Quite an enjoyable comic. Cube’s a bit of a ham ( I mean, seriously, a black cape and a samurai sword?), but Rusty is cool. Mimic is…Mimic. ‘Nuff Said.
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This has surely been asked before, but if the Princess is the DM’s girlfriend, does that mean Whitey is the DM? And since she broke up with Whitey, doesn’t that mean she would lose her powers?
That’s not the princess, that’s the bard from chapter 3:
I know that’s the bard, but it was just a question that’s been on my mind…
She was the DM’s girlfriend before she hooked up with Whitey. As for her powers, I don’t know if her prestige class has any rules like “loose all class powers if you break up with the DM.”
Nah, the DM’s still desperate to get her back, so she still gets all of the advantages (with none of the costs, but without the option of advancement).
It’s probably the Princess’ player who’s the DM’s girlfriend, not the Princess herself.
That’s not what she said – she specifically stated that *she* was the DM’s girlfriend.
Besides, if anyone’s a Player, it’s got to be the Princess!
Powers are retained through the “possesses incriminating photographs” and “knows just who to (potentially) show them to” abilities common to chaotic ex-girlfriends.
I mean technically, ye, since whitey was an npc
Roxy can heal! That’s good. Even if Madeline’s first reaction is to imitate Rusty.
Yeah, Bards are the only Arcane casters with access to the Cure Wounds spells.
Granted, she didn’t say anything when casting and all Bard spells have a verbal component.
I’m thinking Roxy is multi-classing.
Maddie! Calm! Sentences!
Bard! Cure! Serious!
Excellent advice!
I thought they were both very clear. Who has time to waste on all those other unnecessary parts of speech – all you really need are nouns.
Don’t you mean, “Clear! Parts speech waste! Nouns good!”
Concur! Today! Work! Brevity!
Hmmm, whoever thought Robespierre would be the eloquent one?
In the words of the Doctor: “No time complete sentences!”
You know, I hadn’t realized it but the fact that Rusty didn’t eat her armor is really kinda sweet.
Yep, he’s decided that the armor/weapons of friends are off limits.
Underwear, not so much, though.
Or, it could be he learned from the previous mishap
Yeah, I think that’s more probable.
Come to think of it, both could be true.
Moreso when you realize that maddie must’ve been really heavy for our poor exhousted bug to carry around.
So the important question is, what garden implement will the nice gnome sell Maddie next?
Hedge-trimmer. The electric kind.
Nah, it’s time to graduate Maddy’s game.
She needs a pole chainsaw. Good for taking off limbs.
But Shadow, what kind of limbs – like, limbs of people, or limbs of trees?
A trident +0, +4 vs fallen leaves.
I remember him trying to sell Mimic and Presty a Mattock of the Titans (lite version). He probably still has that. She seems to prefer Pole Arms though, so maybe a Glaive? (extension limb trimmer)
Speak with braindead
Badeline has a scythe, so that’s probably out. Rake? Sickle? Pruning hook? Hay fork, silage fork, manure fork?
Or perhaps some heavier equipment, like a plow – pulled by her paladin mount, if she has one. (I can’t imagine what sort of animal that would be.) At level 20, she’ll get a combine harvester.
Madeline used to have the nicest horse you’ve ever seen as her paladin mount. Unfortunately, she was absolutely convinced it was a pegasus with retractile wings, which led to a tragic accident involving a rather high cliff and the many sharp rocks at its bottom.
Nonsense. This is Madeline we’re talking about. Somehow, defying all reason and principles of aerodynamics, the horse would fly.
Exercise for the reader: would the horse have to close its eyes in flight, or would it suffice for Maddie to close hers?
If her diety is on the ball, the mount will have a high intelligence. Considering the way this comic goes though, she’ll probably wind up with a War Turtle.
Hey man, you never know, that might be to her distinct advantage. Cowabunga!!
Rusty has got to bee the saddest looking Rust Monster I’ve ever seen. (And, coincidentally, I used to work at a clinic that treated depressed Rust Monsters, so that’s really sad!)
Here we have an example of why Mimic does most of the talking for the party.
I’m not actually sure what she was expecting. That level of language skill already makes him a prodigy as far as rust monsters go.
I just noticed that Rusty and Madeline both have little white bubbles above their heads as they start talking, so I’m going to say the lack of coherence is due to being nearly dead and only being able to move through adrenaline. I think once they rest up our favorite Rust Monster and Paladin will be their normal selves. I know when I’m exhausted my speech starts to go the caveman route.
But in Rusty’s case, “normal self” doesn’t mean more articulate. It means every sentence takes the form “eat “. He’s actually stretching his verbal abilities well beyond their normal limits right now, out of determination to help his friends.
Madeline, though, will probably shake off her confusion in a frame or two and give a complete (if idiosyncratic and infused with Madeline Logic) account of the situation. Can’t wait to read it.
They should be grateful for Rusty’s verbose response, what if Cube had been the only one to make it back instead?
thank you, that explained the situation perfectly, and i never would have noticed those with out you mentioning it
Now that Tent is a named character I wonder if we’re going to get a side-story involving xir at some point.
If tent is a new character… We need to have a gazebo in the story…
The return of the gazebo!
It made a cameo here:
perhaps they will fall in love and run off together
…Weren’t Maddie’s eyes blue instead of brown? And others…In fact, the only exception up till now has been, obviously, Anti-Maddie or Dominated Maddie…
My mistake. It’s fixed.
Does anyone else think that Rusty’s shell looks cracked in panel 1? It looks to me like he has a crack running across the middle of his back.
Look at his photo on the cast page – that’s always been there, it’s where two segments of his exoskeleton join together, a perfectly normal part of standard Rust Monster physiology, so nothing to be concerned about.
Whew! That zig zag in the middle had me thinking it was a crack instead of a seam between segments.
I know it doesn’t actually make any difference at all, but I’m trying to see the exact order he says that in. “Gnoll-Cube-Shovel-Tent-Cliff-Mimic-Help”?
I’d read it: “Gnoll! Cube! Mimic! Cliff! Shove! Tent! Help!”
Greetions and Salutatings from a new reader. Just finished the archives yesterday. Quite an enjoyable comic. Cube’s a bit of a ham ( I mean, seriously, a black cape and a samurai sword?), but Rusty is cool. Mimic is…Mimic. ‘Nuff Said.