Level 6: #48
Chapter: Comic, Level 6 — Fangs for Nothing
It’s good to be back!
The site’s online once more, but the dispute isn’t fully settled yet. As soon as the last few pieces fall into place, I promise I will tell you all the full story. I really appreciate the patience and support you’ve all shown so far. Hang in there!
So glad to see you back!
You have been missed! Great to get my weekly fix of Rusty, Cube, and Mimic again!
It’s great to see you back! Good luck with the rest of the dispute.
Ahem. Sorry, it’s always obvious when you fail a Bluff check.
Glad to have you back!
And what a way to return!
Happy to hear of progress and for the site to be back up!
This is the best birthday present I’ve ever gotten and it isn’t even close to my birthday.
Third-ed. Though I admit I tend to get crappy birthday gifts, lol. >_> Still, so glad to see you back, man!
I love this comic! I missed it a lot. 
Good to see you’re back online. Betting this page is about to be filled with similar sentiment.
Glad to have Rusty and Co back! Good luck with the rest of the legal mess.
Callooh! Callay!
But nobody’s slain the Jabberwock yet.
Last night with two characters getting critical hits and killing it just as it reached the party. A HUGE sigh of relief was heaved by all, seeing as we were expecting to go through a severe butt munching.
I dunno, there’s been a lot of sharp implements going snicker-snack and removing heads, and plenty of galumphing
LOVE! So glad that this is back.
Welcome back!! Hope everything turned out okay.
Congrats on the partial victory, and welcome back.
And that”s a very clever way of dealing with a far that can re-attach severed limbs.
Rusty & co is back! My day has just become brighter.
Best wishes for a good resolution for you of the dispute plaguing you.
So yeah, two things. One, awesome to see the strip returning. And two, that’s a beautiful move from Cube – seems he’s the brains of the outfit sometimes, not just the muscle.
Oh, and three – love the expression on the other vampires face, as he watches his colleague in the scrying pool….
I believe that’s his sister…. I think
Woo hoo! Comic! Great to have you back
So glad to see you back. We’ve been checking almost everyday, but missed yesterday so of course that’s when you came back. I was one of the ones so excited to see a Rusty plushie, which shows how just the thought of our favorite hero in a squishable form drives coherent thought out of your heads. TSR and now Wizards have always been VERY proactive about protecting “their” copyrighted items. I think they took their cue from the Tolkien estate back when D&D consisted of a few paperback books and the estate took offense at their use of “hobbit” without payment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfling_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons) I think it totally sucks you have to go through this, but I do understand Wizards point. Hopefully the rest of the story will be as great as Cube’s move!
I’m glad you’re back and quite curious to hear exactly what happened.
Glad you’re back!
Your return brings tears to my eyes. I was really afraid you might be gone for good.
Oh, and this week’s comic is funny, too.
Welcome back!
Thanks for the update!
Yay, more Rusty! \o/
I guess Cube taught her a lesson
about watching her back.
It seems our good friend has been fighting
To continue his fun comic writing,
So he fought tooth and nail,
against epic legal fail,
and now he’s back to vamp-smiting!
Glad you are back!
And… facepalm. :]
Yaaaay! You’re back!
Ahem, back to the story: Cube! Just EAT her!
Hooray! Back again!
And a *beautiful* page to boot.
Welcome back. Whose products do we have to boycott?
How does a cube wear a circular hat & where does he get one in his size? Discuss.
Lord, I missed this comic.
*hugs Mike and never lets go*
…oh, and the comic’s great, as always. *goes back to perma-hugging Mike*
So thrilled to see your latest piece!
Been rooting for you all along…
Hope it hasn’t been too painful
Huzzah! Its back!
HOORAY! So glad you’re back. Thank whatever alignment-related Gods you pray to that you weren’t trying to make a plush Beholder!
I add my congratulations and concern to that of the aforesigned multitude.
Now let’s hope this arc wraps up quickly. I grow weary of hipsters. And vampires. Although not of kindly, insane kraken.
1)i too am happy you are back as rusty is one of my favorite comics 2) i really hate lawyers …they remind me of vampires 3) there is no 3 4) i really hope that you are successful on your “turn attempt”
5 ) did i mention how much i hate greedy corporations and lawyers?
Its great to see you and the comic back. Congratulations.
Yayyyy! Welcome back!
you have no idea how much you were missed… CONGRATULATIONS!!!
YAY! You’re back!
Also, this is hands-down the best way I’ve ever seen for dealing with an unkillable foe.
Yays! I been clicking every other week in forlorn hope to see you return.
Nearly fell off my chair when you did!
Wohooo! Congrats on being back. It’s so awesome. I’m glad you’ve kept up the spirit, and even energy to draw new comics! Impressive
I think this one is my favorite so far!
I think we can say for certain Cube didn’t dump Int.
Bahahahaha! YES! I love an ingenious way to solve a difficult problem! Thinking inside the cube!