OTOH, Yuan-tiffany’s amulet only provides invisibility to undead. Last time I checked that only keeps undead from seeing her, and even then intelligent undead get a will save to see through it.
I guess a vampire isn’t generally any less susceptible to failing Will saves than paladins… especially since they are immune to most stuff that requires that kind of save so they probably don’t take measures against it.
Yes, but Madeline only does what her vampdom is telling her to do. If the vampire doesn’t see Yuan-Tiff, she has no reason to tell Maddie to attack her.
If she gets suspicious, I guess she might order Madeline to start attacking anyone present who’s not her.
I’m sorry, I should have made it clear that when I said “that only keeps undead from seeing her,” the emphasis was on “seeing,” not “undead.” In other words, just because the vamp-girl can’t see yuan-tiffany doesn’t mean she can’t hear her.
I love that Madeline seems to have a “choose a sound effect” feat, what with her switching from “LOP” to “SPANG” earlier, and making sure this hit was a “WHACK”
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Mimic needs to challenge Madeline to a boxing match, quick.
A treasure chest challenging someone to a BOXing match 😀
You know, given Madeline is, well, Madeline, that might actually work…
This is like a game of whack-a-mimic by proxy.
First time we see Madeline fight with her eyes open ?
Since Vamp Girl can’t see Yuan-Tiff, she’s not going to have Madeline attack her… unless Mimic raises her suspicions by “talking to the air” too much.
OTOH, Yuan-tiffany’s amulet only provides invisibility to undead. Last time I checked that only keeps undead from seeing her, and even then intelligent undead get a will save to see through it.
I guess a vampire isn’t generally any less susceptible to failing Will saves than paladins… especially since they are immune to most stuff that requires that kind of save so they probably don’t take measures against it.
Yes, but Madeline only does what her vampdom is telling her to do. If the vampire doesn’t see Yuan-Tiff, she has no reason to tell Maddie to attack her.
If she gets suspicious, I guess she might order Madeline to start attacking anyone present who’s not her.
I’m sorry, I should have made it clear that when I said “that only keeps undead from seeing her,” the emphasis was on “seeing,” not “undead.” In other words, just because the vamp-girl can’t see yuan-tiffany doesn’t mean she can’t hear her.
Yes, it’s the first.
Whatever the reason was, however, I dare say the vampire overrode it.
Well, it’s obvious – you can’t depict spiralling mesmerised eyes on someone who keeps them closed…
Unfortunate choice of words on Mimic’s part there…
“Kill you to death.”
Oooooo. That’s the worst kind. 😛
As vampire, wights, and a few other undead types know, it’s also possible to kill people to undeath.
Wait, that joke at the end doesn’t work. Mimic doesn’t even have a head!
Which is just as well, given the vorpal shovel of decapitation Maddy is bashing him with…
Wait, I have a plan! First, mimic needs to disguise himself as a simple, unassuming piece of furniture…
Bwah-Ha-Ha! That’s hilarious!
I love that Madeline seems to have a “choose a sound effect” feat, what with her switching from “LOP” to “SPANG” earlier, and making sure this hit was a “WHACK”
As Beeserker would say: “WHACKED IN THE HEAD”
Right before… tearing him in half?
Wait, that doesn’t sound right, let me try it again.
madeline said “no u”