It can be summed up as “don’t be evil”. Note the sniff.
So this is a… Philosophical death knight? He takes a long-winded look at life and writes a seminar? He attempts to skewer people with a beach umbrella?
I think it’s pretty clear it’s the “I’m an unashamed eater of brains” that ticked her off. Especially when he goes on to all but say “and now I’ll eat yours”.
So not only does he eat intelligent people (to become so brainy) but he clearly has no compunctions about eating unwilling people as well. And that’d tick off any paladin – even the easy-going non-stick ones.
Side note, I also love the “Holy Smite” tie in. Great job. 😀
Thing I like best about this is that Madeleine is the one Beating a Dead Horse in this scene; so angry Madeleine undoes overly allegorical vitaphobes and co-opts their catchphrases while she does it. Beautiful.
This guy reminds me of the original 50s version of the supervillain Black Hand, who literally referred to himself as “The Cliche Criminal”. Based all his villainous schemes around trite sayings like “A penny saved is a penny earned”.
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So that’s how you get her angry!
Takes notes on what not to do about Madeline
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It can be summed up as “don’t be evil”. Note the sniff.
So this is a… Philosophical death knight? He takes a long-winded look at life and writes a seminar? He attempts to skewer people with a beach umbrella?
Refraining from inspiring her to take that sniff might be prudent, too, while you’re reforming. (And heck, prudence is a virtue – it will help.)
Sounds like some sort of HR consultant to me. Which is probably why Maddy’s evil-sense is tingling…
Maybe he’s a philosophical zombie.
(I can hear the philosophy students and experts groaning from here.)
I don’t think it the cliches that ticked her off. I think it just the fact that he’s undead, she IS a paladin after all.
I think it’s pretty clear it’s the “I’m an unashamed eater of brains” that ticked her off. Especially when he goes on to all but say “and now I’ll eat yours”.
So not only does he eat intelligent people (to become so brainy) but he clearly has no compunctions about eating unwilling people as well. And that’d tick off any paladin – even the easy-going non-stick ones.
Side note, I also love the “Holy Smite” tie in. Great job. 😀
Thing I like best about this is that Madeleine is the one Beating a Dead Horse in this scene; so angry Madeleine undoes overly allegorical vitaphobes and co-opts their catchphrases while she does it. Beautiful.
She got him better late than never.
Silence is golden.
This must be Sir Feit de Cliché fellow I’ve heard so much about. I hope his steed was his worst nightmare.
Nope, sorry Sir Zombie, its Madeline who is beating the dead horse–and its rider.
Yup. A flaming shovel is the only way to deal with undead metaphors(e).
I love Madeline, she makes awesome happen.
Does that live by the sword bit mean Madeline is invincible unless her opponent is wielding a shovel as well???
I love that endearingly helpless look just before things get serious.
A desktop background of a raging Madeline would be awesome.
If the relic makes people act opposite to their nature, then will we see Maddie as a seductive, smoldering succubus?
THAT’S a background worth having….
I think she’d end up cunning, observant and pragmatic you know the opposite of her Lawful Stupid normal self
Why would the easily-bored hipster vampires have a minion that constantly spouts tired old cliches?
Why do you think they keep him in the basement?
Why do you think they’re bored?
They’re hipsters. Bored is a duty.
That’s a really nicely drawn full profile of Madeline’s face in the last panel. Beautiful.
Gee I’d hate to see what kind of evil wrath Madeline might do if she got hit by the reversey-artifact-dealie!
POSSIBLE: Uh oh – I think Ron just got turned evil again.
DRAKKEN: So? What’s the big deal?
POSSIBLE: You’d… be surprised.
RON: (demonic laughter)
“You mere device,” she gnarled. “You platitude! You Golux ex machina!”
There’s gotta be some pun someone can make on “Paladin vs. Platitude Zombie.”
So is the horse evil then? it seems like she missed the rider but slayed the mount…
This guy reminds me of the original 50s version of the supervillain Black Hand, who literally referred to himself as “The Cliche Criminal”. Based all his villainous schemes around trite sayings like “A penny saved is a penny earned”.