Would be hilarious if they had moments where they cut away back to this story, say when Maddie’s trying to encourage her teammates and comments on how Roxie’s team are surely trying their best too.
I’ve always imagined the Bullywugs to sound like the Toad Village people in Wizards & Warriors (the year 2000 PC game). BTW, if you like dungeon crawlers from the early 3D era, that’s definitely one to look into.
Nothing like an elvish slur to remind us not to feel bad for these people.
Meanwhile, the castle team may need to call a ceasefire and hold a summit to figure out who’s supposed to be killing who. Then all they need to do is ask why, and we might find ourselves at a peace conference again.
One hopes so. It’s escalating toward a world war, pulling everyone in.
Perhaps not too bad if you can defend the world in the end, but OTOH, the more forces you lose before the world is in danger, the harder it will be to fight off.
Careful watching of old cartoons shows that there’s only so much slapstick violence we can take, directed at one character, before we need the relief of either seeing this character directing slapstick violence at the tormenter, or watching this character lose our sympathy.
This is why we never want Tom to definitely and finally catch Jerry — because Jerry gets a lot of grief — but we often end up wishing Wile E. Coyote could have a nice Roadrunner dinner — because the Roadrunner not only never gets hurt, but is invariably smug, neither afraid of the danger nor relieved to escape it.
Getting back at him for what, exactly? The two times she sat on him, she pounded on him, and the first time she got Robespierre to attack him afterward. And then she threatened him before he had the chance to trick her again at the Games. I dunno, I feel like we’re entering disproportionate retribution territory…at least it’s keeping Skippy busy though. And apparently getting a laugh out of the elves, too. Who’da thunk they understood the concept of fun? Or maybe they’re discovering it?
Depicted in the fourth panel: A game of Civilization, Rusty and Co. edition.
But the thing is, Mimic keeps trying to trick women into sitting on him, and it has been implied to be a turn-on for him.
I’ll buy that the time in the office was instinct taking over, but other than that?
He even did it during the crossover with Handbook of Heroes — granted he felt bad about it when Succubus bemoaned how people never look past her sex appeal, but he still keeps trying it on.
I don’t hate Mimic, but that is a very unpleasant habit of his.
And he only apologizes if women catch him out and (threaten to) clobber him for it.
I can see why Roxie would bear a bit of a grudge.
Honestly, that last panel looks perfect for Perkins… we know she’s an expert in taking a bunch of eclectic components, and putting them together in creative ways. Designing an org chart for this mob should be a perfect use of her skills.
She’s also adept at bluffing. So maybe she could convince them that they’re all there to test the castle’s defenses, and that no one there is actually the enemy of anyone else.
Your Rakshasa hands really are good. Trick is to imagine them spiralling the arm, then correct the spiral but keep the flipped hand, but of course you know that. Your art is amazing!
fun fact: Rackshasa derives from the original Indo-European word meaning “bear”!
As, indeed, “bear” does not. It means “the brown one.” (No Northern European language uses the original term for bear. Always some euphemism like “the brown one” or “the honey-eater” or “the shaggy one.”)
Rusty and Co. and rustyandco.com is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards’ trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at Wizards.com
The journey of a thousand miles… apparently begins with a few dozen missteps.
Is it a misstep if they’re trying to slip?
Ah, but who says I’m talking about just Roxy’s team?
just remember that anyone not holding the bowstring is a potential enemy.
Oh, I can’t wait for the castle defense arc
Would be hilarious if they had moments where they cut away back to this story, say when Maddie’s trying to encourage her teammates and comments on how Roxie’s team are surely trying their best too.
I got asked to draw a Rakshasa once and the backwards hands just kept giving me problems. My brain says, “NO! Bad anatomy!” Good job doing them well.
It looks like an optical illusion. Pretty cool.
Yeah, it hurts the thinky bits to even look at it, I can’t imagine having to draw it.
Didn’t even notice them until they were pointed out
Something incredibly funny about the org chart line being said in a bullywug voice…..
I’ve always imagined the Bullywugs to sound like the Toad Village people in Wizards & Warriors (the year 2000 PC game). BTW, if you like dungeon crawlers from the early 3D era, that’s definitely one to look into.
Nothing like an elvish slur to remind us not to feel bad for these people.
Meanwhile, the castle team may need to call a ceasefire and hold a summit to figure out who’s supposed to be killing who. Then all they need to do is ask why, and we might find ourselves at a peace conference again.
And this time they’ll be more careful to keep the caterers from being mistaken for the catering.
One hopes so. It’s escalating toward a world war, pulling everyone in.
Perhaps not too bad if you can defend the world in the end, but OTOH, the more forces you lose before the world is in danger, the harder it will be to fight off.
Careful watching of old cartoons shows that there’s only so much slapstick violence we can take, directed at one character, before we need the relief of either seeing this character directing slapstick violence at the tormenter, or watching this character lose our sympathy.
This is why we never want Tom to definitely and finally catch Jerry — because Jerry gets a lot of grief — but we often end up wishing Wile E. Coyote could have a nice Roadrunner dinner — because the Roadrunner not only never gets hurt, but is invariably smug, neither afraid of the danger nor relieved to escape it.
Rusty’s enjoying himself at least.
Getting back at him for what, exactly? The two times she sat on him, she pounded on him, and the first time she got Robespierre to attack him afterward. And then she threatened him before he had the chance to trick her again at the Games. I dunno, I feel like we’re entering disproportionate retribution territory…at least it’s keeping Skippy busy though. And apparently getting a laugh out of the elves, too. Who’da thunk they understood the concept of fun? Or maybe they’re discovering it?
Depicted in the fourth panel: A game of Civilization, Rusty and Co. edition.
“Who’da thunk they understood the concept of fun?”
It’s punching down, they understand that just fine…
But the thing is, Mimic keeps trying to trick women into sitting on him, and it has been implied to be a turn-on for him.
I’ll buy that the time in the office was instinct taking over, but other than that?
He even did it during the crossover with Handbook of Heroes — granted he felt bad about it when Succubus bemoaned how people never look past her sex appeal, but he still keeps trying it on.
I don’t hate Mimic, but that is a very unpleasant habit of his.
And he only apologizes if women catch him out and (threaten to) clobber him for it.
I can see why Roxie would bear a bit of a grudge.
Honestly, that last panel looks perfect for Perkins… we know she’s an expert in taking a bunch of eclectic components, and putting them together in creative ways. Designing an org chart for this mob should be a perfect use of her skills.
She’s also adept at bluffing. So maybe she could convince them that they’re all there to test the castle’s defenses, and that no one there is actually the enemy of anyone else.
Well, well.
‘Getting back at’ at least implies awareness you’ve done something untoward to someone else.
So… progress.
I did not expect to enjoy seeing a bunch of pasty elves take pratfalls this much. ?
Maybe they should just go with shirts vs. skins.
But they’re all civilized† shirt-wearing folks‡!
† For various definitions of civilized.
‡ For various definitions of folks.
Those are some really good backward Rakshasa-hands. Definite kudos for making the unnatural look so natural.
Perkins cast Confusion! It’s apparently effective.
Your Rakshasa hands really are good. Trick is to imagine them spiralling the arm, then correct the spiral but keep the flipped hand, but of course you know that. Your art is amazing!
It’s also neat to see different phenotypes of Rakshasa besides the classical tiger.
fun fact: Rackshasa derives from the original Indo-European word meaning “bear”!
As, indeed, “bear” does not. It means “the brown one.” (No Northern European language uses the original term for bear. Always some euphemism like “the brown one” or “the honey-eater” or “the shaggy one.”)
Relevant xkcd
I like the reversed hands on the Rakshasa. It’s a little detail I didn’t even remember they were supposed to have until i noticed it.