Maybe someone said this already, I haven’t kept up with the comments recently.
They’re taking the wrong approach. Roxy should yell out in exasperation, “Damn it! We’re trying to save the world!” Start a dialogue. Skippy craves attention, adventure, and fun. He loses all of these things if the world ends, and stands to gain more of them if he helps to save the world. Just need to make sure he doesn’t get bored.
Just to be sure, did he actually SEE the sign that says Free Nachos??? It looks like it’s below his flight path and he might have missed it by the time he was close enough to read it.
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Cube needs to cosplay somethjng cool ASAP. It’s the only thing that can save them by now
“Oh crap! He’s dressed as Ghost Rider!”
Game Cube?
Watch him trail after them once they start giving up.
They’re making his afterlife much more fun than just punking a bunch of elves could do.
Wait, is the solution here just to pursuade him to let them make a cool-ass airship with that flying stone? Pursuasion is a Bard’s specialty!
We’ll still get to see the Castle Defense arc in it’s fullness, right? We’re not just getting a few stray panels, right?
I really thought that last panel would be plan #21 to continue the Fibonacci sequence.
Instead we got a Fib-of-nachos.
Plan 9, of course, involved mind-controlled zombies, your stupid stupid minds, and a very low budget.
If you want radical, go with Macho Nachos. It’s just nachos plus taco meat, but it’s one of my ‘happy place’ foods.
The tunnel paint gag amazed them until they remembered ghosts could already go through walls.
Maybe someone said this already, I haven’t kept up with the comments recently.
They’re taking the wrong approach. Roxy should yell out in exasperation, “Damn it! We’re trying to save the world!” Start a dialogue. Skippy craves attention, adventure, and fun. He loses all of these things if the world ends, and stands to gain more of them if he helps to save the world. Just need to make sure he doesn’t get bored.
Just to be sure, did he actually SEE the sign that says Free Nachos??? It looks like it’s below his flight path and he might have missed it by the time he was close enough to read it.
I am pretty sure they could lead the damned skippy into the trap of their choosing with a downed lamp post and a sign that said “do no grind”
Mimic was on the right track, but he forgot the Mountain Dew.
Nacho best plan there, Mimic.