Totally on the merfolk with thalassophobia thing. Think about it. Merefolk would probably live close to the seafloor so for them getting caught out in the open ocean with no “land” in sight with potentially large sea predators off in the murk would be naturally terrifying. It would probably be equivalent to them that agoraphobia or acrophobia is for us.
I mean… Of course a vampire would be terrified of ghosts.
You can’t hit them, you can’t level drain them, you can’t drain their blood are they are inmune to the domination gaze. Against ghosts a vampire is as powerless as they were as a mortal (Which varies depending on the individual vampire).
Plus, ghosts tend to arise from those who die unexpectedly, violently, or with unfinished business. And guess who has to violently kill people on a pretty much daily basis just to survive, leading to a lot of ghosts that specifically hate you? That’s right, vampires!
Plus, it *could* be a phobia from *before* she was a vampire – phobias are not logical / rational based fears (those are ‘trauma’s usually) that can be cured.
heck, a Drow *could* have arachnophobia! (Now THERE’S a role-playing challenge for you!)
*ROTFLMAO!!!!* Of course their ghost would be a sk8ter boy. And they’d hate it. Is it wrong I can see him tagging along with the group once this is over just to have some new experiences????? I’m hoping he’s only “evil” in that he’s not respecting the elves and wants to have fun instead of being a bureaucrat.
The fact the vampire is scared of ghosts is hilarious though.
It’s a bit odd for _elves_ to call something an “ancient time” when it is within the last millennium, but the “undead from an ancient time” seems to be only a few decades out of date.
Age is a tricky topic with immortals. I dare say that visual cues work only for a tiny minority of them; most immortals keep the looks of when they were transformed (plus or minus a few fangs, a few levels of saturation of their teint etc. notwithstanding). Thus, the child ghost forever singing creepy nursery rhymes or the forever dastardly dashing Dracula. This ghost could be of an ancient Methuselah for all we know, but we do see he has gone with the times… more or less.
Look, skating hasn’t been ‘cool’ in decades and we all know how quickly things that are even slightly out of date become “boomer” territory with the kids… I bet these elves haven’t considered skateboarding to be in for like well over a two hundred years, so it’s practically antediluvian to the youngsters.
I also wonder if this ghost is actually quite old, but because he’s so old, he gets bored and keeps trying out new activities/personalities/etc. to shake things up. But he might be a wee bit out of date on what the current trends are…. (After all, if you’re a ghost, I imagine it’s easy to let time get away from you.)
If that’s the case, it strikes me that he could basically be Ezra’s opposite. Someone who enthusiastically embraces something long after it’s “cool” (though possibly unintentionally). If so, I can really admire that.
heh… by that line of thought (trying out new things), the skateboard could be what he stole! (or something he is using to decorate it / himself… his ‘bling’)
See, here’s the problem: I already instantly like this most radical skateboard ghost far far more than these stuck up elf bureaucrats. So now I’m kind of rooting for the ghost…
Stares at the chapter title) You bastard, should’ve guessed.
Also, Ezra keeps managing to be entertaining and adorable despite being an evil abomination who, unlike Anti-M, is a legitimate threat.
Would someone be able to explain the chapter title? I feel like it’s a reference that’s going over my head. (If it has to do with the skating scene from the 80s/90s, I suspect I’m slightly too young and definitely not cool enough to get it.)
Exactly. I thought it meant ‘The Elves have a long-standing tradition of being pricks, making this whole endeavour a slog for our heroes’, not ‘The Elves are being pestered by a ghost’.
Ahh, I thought the “Old Elvish” part might’ve been some kind of reference (aside from the literal meaning). But searching for “Old Elvis Spirit” didn’t bring anything up, and I couldn’t think of any other puns of that nature. (So, as usual, I was overthinking it. 😉 )
*Slow clap*
So, I’m not sure if anything else could’ve surprised me more when I loaded today’s page than what we got. Definitely NOT what I was expecting. But I did burst out laughing twice as a three-panel page, so….
(Mostly at that last panel. The trifecta of those three reactions was just perfect, especially Ezra apparently being scared of ghosts!)
Well, there are few problems that the nuclear option won’t solve. (Okay, radiation-contaminated wastelands may still be a problem, but hey, most others are solved)
Roxie? The vampire that was handing your whole team its butts, the easily distractible one? She ran away in terror.
You might want to take this more seriously.
(P.S., I like the Scooby Doo-esque ‘g-g-ghost’. 😀 )
She might actually be vulnerable to them in some way. After all, she did a lot of switching around what her vulnerabilities are – it wouldn’t be too uncommon for an artifact to extract some price for all of that.
But on the other hand, do ghosts have any useful abilities against vampires?
Immunity to various drains, mind-affecting etc. are all shared by virtue of being undead. Speaking of which, the fact that Ezra seems to be running away in terror probably stems more from her offended fashion sense rather than any actual fear.
The crystal, having failed its attempt to assassinate the Adjutant Comptroller, lies dejected, awaiting its fate of being broken into so many fragments that will be integrated into quaint household decorations and jewelry.
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A vampire with phasmophobia isn’t too far off for me. Even a merfolk could hypothetically suffer from thalassophobia.
It must be deep-rooted, because boy, that wasn’t cool.
She’s just running in fear before everyone is doing it.
Totally on the merfolk with thalassophobia thing. Think about it. Merefolk would probably live close to the seafloor so for them getting caught out in the open ocean with no “land” in sight with potentially large sea predators off in the murk would be naturally terrifying. It would probably be equivalent to them that agoraphobia or acrophobia is for us.
Okay, the Mermaid/man with thalassophobia makes a lot of sense, especially in murkier waters or further down than they’re accustomed to.
It’s also a great idea.
More than possible, I think it’s even canonically common. The inky depths of D&D are home to *much* nastier things than the shallows-dwelling merfolk.
I mean… Of course a vampire would be terrified of ghosts.
You can’t hit them, you can’t level drain them, you can’t drain their blood are they are inmune to the domination gaze. Against ghosts a vampire is as powerless as they were as a mortal (Which varies depending on the individual vampire).
AND — vampires are used to being the apex
These ectoplasm stains are really hard to get out of a Dolce&Goblina skirt, that’s all…
Plus, ghosts tend to arise from those who die unexpectedly, violently, or with unfinished business. And guess who has to violently kill people on a pretty much daily basis just to survive, leading to a lot of ghosts that specifically hate you? That’s right, vampires!
Plus, it *could* be a phobia from *before* she was a vampire – phobias are not logical / rational based fears (those are ‘trauma’s usually) that can be cured.
heck, a Drow *could* have arachnophobia! (Now THERE’S a role-playing challenge for you!)
In that case, shifting faith to a snake god seems apt.
Just as a note, Rue is saying ‘The is’ instead of ‘This is’ in the last panel.
Fixed, thank you.
*ROTFLMAO!!!!* Of course their ghost would be a sk8ter boy. And they’d hate it. Is it wrong I can see him tagging along with the group once this is over just to have some new experiences????? I’m hoping he’s only “evil” in that he’s not respecting the elves and wants to have fun instead of being a bureaucrat.
The fact the vampire is scared of ghosts is hilarious though.
And a hipster vampire at that.
Hmmm — it occurs to me that perhaps she’s terrified by someone with so much enthusiasm. It’s not cool
That, and how’s she going to drink a ghost’s blood?
On reflection, she was screaming ghost when she ran, so that’s probably the greater issue.
It’s a bit odd for _elves_ to call something an “ancient time” when it is within the last millennium, but the “undead from an ancient time” seems to be only a few decades out of date.
He doesn’t look any older than Ezra. But — perhaps — there’s a THIRD undead figure about?
Age is a tricky topic with immortals. I dare say that visual cues work only for a tiny minority of them; most immortals keep the looks of when they were transformed (plus or minus a few fangs, a few levels of saturation of their teint etc. notwithstanding). Thus, the child ghost forever singing creepy nursery rhymes or the forever dastardly dashing Dracula. This ghost could be of an ancient Methuselah for all we know, but we do see he has gone with the times… more or less.
The elves cited Ezra’s appearance.
Look, skating hasn’t been ‘cool’ in decades and we all know how quickly things that are even slightly out of date become “boomer” territory with the kids… I bet these elves haven’t considered skateboarding to be in for like well over a two hundred years, so it’s practically antediluvian to the youngsters.
I also wonder if this ghost is actually quite old, but because he’s so old, he gets bored and keeps trying out new activities/personalities/etc. to shake things up. But he might be a wee bit out of date on what the current trends are…. (After all, if you’re a ghost, I imagine it’s easy to let time get away from you.)
If that’s the case, it strikes me that he could basically be Ezra’s opposite. Someone who enthusiastically embraces something long after it’s “cool” (though possibly unintentionally). If so, I can really admire that.
Interesting thought…! Maybe Ezra fears him not so much because he’s a ghost, but because he defies her worldview and she can’t touch him.
heh… by that line of thought (trying out new things), the skateboard could be what he stole! (or something he is using to decorate it / himself… his ‘bling’)
Worse, he may have tried it when it was the in thing and discovered he loved it and does not care that it’s out of fashion.
Obviously a Legolas at Helm’s Deep fan. Movie only.
Is it a coincidence that today’s main protagonist in ClownCorps is also a skater?
How do you do, fellow living?
So… is he using the Variel Stone as a hoverboard?
Maybe in the board. Note the circular hole on the bottom.
Insert quotes about the Silver Surfer from the second (technically third) Fantastic Four movie.
Hmm, he’s not an elvish spirit: His ears are round.
See, here’s the problem: I already instantly like this most radical skateboard ghost far far more than these stuck up elf bureaucrats. So now I’m kind of rooting for the ghost…
Honestly, what kind of undead WOULD you have liked less than these freaking leaf lovers?
Helicopter Mummy… Karen the Mega Liche… group of complete duouchebro Frat Draugr… a Peeping Spectre…
A banshee who thinks they are lacking in self-respect
… a.. a.. banshee Karen?!??!?! Oh you twisted, sick soul
I hear you.
Stares at the chapter title) You bastard, should’ve guessed.
Also, Ezra keeps managing to be entertaining and adorable despite being an evil abomination who, unlike Anti-M, is a legitimate threat.
Would someone be able to explain the chapter title? I feel like it’s a reference that’s going over my head. (If it has to do with the skating scene from the 80s/90s, I suspect I’m slightly too young and definitely not cool enough to get it.)
“That Old Elvish Spirit”. Ghost = spirit. I didn’t think it would be this literal, but….
Exactly. I thought it meant ‘The Elves have a long-standing tradition of being pricks, making this whole endeavour a slog for our heroes’, not ‘The Elves are being pestered by a ghost’.
Ahh, I thought the “Old Elvish” part might’ve been some kind of reference (aside from the literal meaning). But searching for “Old Elvis Spirit” didn’t bring anything up, and I couldn’t think of any other puns of that nature. (So, as usual, I was overthinking it. 😉 )
Much to Mimic’s disappointment, this level did not involve finely-aged liquor, either.
Thus far. It would be fine for it to include elven ghosts, AND elven spirit like school spirit AND elven liquor.
Maybe there’s a ghost dog too. That’d be a finely aged licker.
*Slow clap*
So, I’m not sure if anything else could’ve surprised me more when I loaded today’s page than what we got. Definitely NOT what I was expecting. But I did burst out laughing twice as a three-panel page, so….
(Mostly at that last panel. The trifecta of those three reactions was just perfect, especially Ezra apparently being scared of ghosts!)
It flew by me at first but I just noticed the pattern on the ghost’s ectoplasm trail. Neat little reference!
Gonna be tough solving this mystery without four meddling kids and a talking dog!
how about 3 meddling kids and a talking box?
What about three, later four, guys in greyish suits wearing nuclear equipment on their backs?
Well, there are few problems that the nuclear option won’t solve. (Okay, radiation-contaminated wastelands may still be a problem, but hey, most others are solved)
If radiation contaminated wastelands are a problem, you clearly didn’t use enough nukes. Add more until the compliant box remains empty.
Now I’m picturing Derek, Maddie, Presti, Mimic, and Rusty paying homage to Scooby-Doo.
Tony Haunt?
I don’t recognize him. You sure that’s Tony? I thought he was taller/shorter/skinnier/built/etc…
I was looking for a suitable pun. Well done. Bravo.
Roxie? The vampire that was handing your whole team its butts, the easily distractible one?
She ran away in terror.
You might want to take this more seriously.
(P.S., I like the Scooby Doo-esque ‘g-g-ghost’. 😀 )
She might actually be vulnerable to them in some way. After all, she did a lot of switching around what her vulnerabilities are – it wouldn’t be too uncommon for an artifact to extract some price for all of that.
Has she shown any abilities that are useful against ghosts?
But on the other hand, do ghosts have any useful abilities against vampires?
Immunity to various drains, mind-affecting etc. are all shared by virtue of being undead. Speaking of which, the fact that Ezra seems to be running away in terror probably stems more from her offended fashion sense rather than any actual fear.
Only a doctor who is also a ninja could help them against this radical ghost.
We have the vampire.
Now we just need the pope.
is that the design from those paper cups from the 90s
The crystal, having failed its attempt to assassinate the Adjutant Comptroller, lies dejected, awaiting its fate of being broken into so many fragments that will be integrated into quaint household decorations and jewelry.
To me, this reads as a “Dr. McNinja” homage to “King Radical”.
It’s Radical! Radical! Drink it!!!
is Varial Stone…
A propeller?
Absolute emotional whiplash from the last panel of the previous episode