I get the feeling Mimic was back there to find out how Gel Cube is doing, since he is probably going to get stomped here soon. Talk about Rusty’s happiest day though!
The alt-text on this one is hilarious. Also kudos to the first commenter for “jelly babies”, I may have to steal that.
The rules nerd in me wants to know exactly what Mimic is doing in panel 2. His species has a bonus on Disguise checks, not Hide checks, and anyway you have to have something to Hide behind. Not that the “become unobtrusive” action isn’t something player-characters continually attempt, no matter how obvious they should be in any given situation.
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Bon Apetit, Rusty! And toss some gold mcnuggets this way if you can. Great strip. Is Cube & Cube & Jelly Babies gonna be coming back any time soon?
I get the feeling Mimic was back there to find out how Gel Cube is doing, since he is probably going to get stomped here soon. Talk about Rusty’s happiest day though!
Pink and red Docs?
A cartoonish version, sure.
Rusty’s best day ever. I wonder if he even realizes the statue is trying to kill his friends, or if all he sees is the biggest self serve buffet EVER.
Hmm. “An appointment with the docs,” would’ve flowed a bit better.
But it’s all good. I’ve loved every strip to date. <3
Oh gee, now HOW did I predict the statue would become a foe? Guess I’m just a genius.
…seriously, that would stink to have a rust monster eating it be your only real hope.
The alt-text on this one is hilarious. Also kudos to the first commenter for “jelly babies”, I may have to steal that.
The rules nerd in me wants to know exactly what Mimic is doing in panel 2. His species has a bonus on Disguise checks, not Hide checks, and anyway you have to have something to Hide behind. Not that the “become unobtrusive” action isn’t something player-characters continually attempt, no matter how obvious they should be in any given situation.
Well, he does have a distraction, and I’m pretty sure those give a bonus to Hide checks.