I think we must compose our souls in patience to await the definitive answer, though my guess would be “Yes.”
Hmm. The team had just met up at the beginning of the comic, and yet in the missives, Cube had Mimic as his Best Mimic. Are they in the same time frame?
Wow. Princess trains her town guards well if they can bring down a guy like Robespierre. Barehanded, no less.
I mean, sure one guy has a sword in the first panel (still in its scabbard when he kicks down the door, no less!), but all of the rest of the guards shown don’t even have so much as a baldric or hanger.
Remind me not to mess with any kingdom that has soldiers this competent.
Well done, the color transition from the meta reality from the critical missives to the story was a nice idea. If you ever print that panel, make sure to use a Cannon printer for the pun.
Robespierre went willingly. No way someone with arms the size of his opponent’s torsos would’ve been taken down. I mean, he literally tore Grinner into itsy bitsy pieces. (He only forgot to bury him alive. STERRRRRN!!)
Mimic’s probably wondering why he never got a trial against Robespierre for assault if the necromancer who attacked the princess multiple times can get one…
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Wait, the critical missives is turning into the main storyline?
I think we must compose our souls in patience to await the definitive answer, though my guess would be “Yes.”
Hmm. The team had just met up at the beginning of the comic, and yet in the missives, Cube had Mimic as his Best Mimic. Are they in the same time frame?
When you’re lawful evil, the system’s there for you to exploit.
Remember, ‘Exploitation’ is just what the losers call ‘Winning!’
Spoken like Charlie Sheen. 🙂
Wow. Princess trains her town guards well if they can bring down a guy like Robespierre. Barehanded, no less.
I mean, sure one guy has a sword in the first panel (still in its scabbard when he kicks down the door, no less!), but all of the rest of the guards shown don’t even have so much as a baldric or hanger.
Remind me not to mess with any kingdom that has soldiers this competent.
It might just be me, but the guards all kinda look like Captain Falcon. I know *I* wouldn’t want to deal with a team of Captain Falcons.
They don’t have triangular glowing pupils though.
Also something that might be relevant: Show me your moves, or pay the court a fine!
They turned the glowy pupils off. Cap. Falcon can do that too.
I suspect it’s just that Robespierre doesn’t understand the Grapple rules 🙁 ?
Well done, the color transition from the meta reality from the critical missives to the story was a nice idea. If you ever print that panel, make sure to use a Cannon printer for the pun.
Well hello Calamitus, how are you?
Robespierre went willingly. No way someone with arms the size of his opponent’s torsos would’ve been taken down. I mean, he literally tore Grinner into itsy bitsy pieces. (He only forgot to bury him alive. STERRRRRN!!)
Cue speculations about Robespierre’s alignment (my money’s on CN).
Mimic’s probably wondering why he never got a trial against Robespierre for assault if the necromancer who attacked the princess multiple times can get one…
As a face, it is in Mimic’s intretst to keep as much dumb muscle in circulation as he possibly can. It would make no sense for him to sue.
Let’s keep in mind, Robespierre has been captured at least once before.
wasnt expecting this QA stuff to trnasition to plot lmao