Based on the background action our manic and obsessed pitcher is disregarding, seems Angel has got just the right tool for cracking that eldritch crab’s shell…
As a non-american i’m sorry, but i’ll be glad when that baseball-related story-arch is finally over. the comic itself is great, but that regional sport just doesnt do it in the rest of the world.
Apparently the “rest of the world” doesn’t include Canada, Colombia, Mexico, the DR, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Cuba, the Philippines, Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the UK, Croatia, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland,the Ukraine, Poland, Guam, or New Zealand, all of which have at least a decently sized seasonal baseball league. Now, if you take softball (Go New Zealand!) or rounders into account, the list is even larger.
Wait… The Netherlands has a baseball league? Kee-rist, I have been living for 20 years in the Netherlands and not once have I ever seen that mentioned at all, not by people, nor by any kind of news coverage… o.O I honestly was absolutely, totally unaware that that game was even played in this country…
Checking wikipedia, i see this…
“The Netherlands national baseball team is the national baseball team of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, representing the country in international men’s baseball. They are currently ranked as the best team in the Confederation of European Baseball, and the team is also ranked eighth in the WBSC World Rankings.”
Good grief, I absolutely had not heard of this *at all*. Asking my friends, they had neither. Checking the news, mentions of baseball are few and very far between…
I guess that this, however, goes to show the enormous degree of “meh” that the Dutch in general have towards baseball. If the people of a country that has the 8th best national baseball team in the world are not even aware that their country *has* a national baseball team at all, this means that, in general, the people in question do not give a fig about baseball. I have the feeling that in many other countries this will also be the case. Not surprising that, then, many people in “the rest of the world” would feel that baseball is not “their” sport and would not care for it.
That list is a bit of an exaggeration. For example, yes, baseball is played in New Zealand… but the sport has almost zero recognition here. It got some short-lived attention when we got a team in the Australian competition last year, but I’ve barely heard them mentioned since…
“But tha’s no’ considerin’ th’ axe as a whole shape! There’s a range a’ things an axe can do if y’ try! Y’ coul’ use th’ handle as a lever, or th’ flat a’ th’ blade as… as a ping pong paddle!”
Brings back memories of Dusty DIamond’s All-Star Softball, which had players using substitute bats including a pickaxe for a miner, a broom for a witch, and a spiked club for an oni.
Only in Rusty and Co. will you see a barbarian, a lizardman, a cleric, a paladin, halfling rogues, mages, undead necromancer clones, a giant angel, a giant crustacean monster, a gelatinous cube, and a rust monster all fighting to the death in a baseball stadium.
Rusty and Co. and is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards’ trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at
And here… we… go.
He ’bout to do it.
Okay, I kinda respect that attitude.
Which one?
I prefer Robespierre’s.
Both. One won’t even let gods stop him from completing his goal, and the other has grown as a fighter and learned to accept the way others are.
so long as neither of them endanger Byron the Minotaur further with these antics, I will agree with your sentiment.
Well, damn; I’m slow on the uptake. I never made that connection until right now.
Robespierre even LOOKS like Babe Ruth!
Better Babe Ruth than Casey at the bat.
Barb Ruthless
This one’s going out to a sick him in a healer’s hut.
Oh, hey. The angel’s in the outfield.
I’m pretty sure the…demon-thing-scorpion-creature-from-another-dimension…is in the foul zone. Apt
Just remember, though the angels can help you get there, they cant actually help you win the championship
That’s the sort of willful disregard of reality, or what passes for it in these here parts, that made sports what it is today.
Not to mention politics.
In the same fleeting moment, thou must live, die, and know~
whatcha gonna do now?
Sit back and watch the flames of truth unfold~
Tell us why, given life, we are meant to die, helpless in our cries?
Sorry, I did that one a while ago already :3c
He’s going to need to use the bat, not his axe, if he wants to hit it out of the park.
He needs the axe if he wants to take his cuts…
He can still turn his axe and ‘tennis racket’ that ball away on the flat of the blade – it looks to be one of those big double-edged battle axes, too.
…then charge the dragonborn-with-a-breakdown using the axe properly 😉
He’s calling his shot!
…too bad that’s not a thing in 5e anymore…
Nothing a smart GM can’t work around.
Has it ever been a thing in any game rules?
“This time I’m gonna aim for her face!”
“is that not what you were doing already?
Although 5E does have various abilities let you take some penalty to gain some bonus, which is the same thing really.
Whoa, someone is in very heavy denial. Those eyes of madness…
Yeah. SERIOUS eyes.
“Robespierre is pointing to the bleachers! He’s calling his shot! Nobody’s done this since Babe Ruth in the ’32 World Series!”
Based on the background action our manic and obsessed pitcher is disregarding, seems Angel has got just the right tool for cracking that eldritch crab’s shell…
As a non-american i’m sorry, but i’ll be glad when that baseball-related story-arch is finally over. the comic itself is great, but that regional sport just doesnt do it in the rest of the world.
you say that like this has followed the rules of baseball at all besides having a bat, a ball, and bases.
also, its rather nasty to imply wherever you come from is “the rest of the world”
Apparently the “rest of the world” doesn’t include Canada, Colombia, Mexico, the DR, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Cuba, the Philippines, Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the UK, Croatia, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland,the Ukraine, Poland, Guam, or New Zealand, all of which have at least a decently sized seasonal baseball league. Now, if you take softball (Go New Zealand!) or rounders into account, the list is even larger.
Wait… The Netherlands has a baseball league? Kee-rist, I have been living for 20 years in the Netherlands and not once have I ever seen that mentioned at all, not by people, nor by any kind of news coverage… o.O I honestly was absolutely, totally unaware that that game was even played in this country…
Checking wikipedia, i see this…
“The Netherlands national baseball team is the national baseball team of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, representing the country in international men’s baseball. They are currently ranked as the best team in the Confederation of European Baseball, and the team is also ranked eighth in the WBSC World Rankings.”
Good grief, I absolutely had not heard of this *at all*. Asking my friends, they had neither. Checking the news, mentions of baseball are few and very far between…
I guess that this, however, goes to show the enormous degree of “meh” that the Dutch in general have towards baseball. If the people of a country that has the 8th best national baseball team in the world are not even aware that their country *has* a national baseball team at all, this means that, in general, the people in question do not give a fig about baseball. I have the feeling that in many other countries this will also be the case. Not surprising that, then, many people in “the rest of the world” would feel that baseball is not “their” sport and would not care for it.
That list is a bit of an exaggeration. For example, yes, baseball is played in New Zealand… but the sport has almost zero recognition here. It got some short-lived attention when we got a team in the Australian competition last year, but I’ve barely heard them mentioned since…
Well, the lobster mitts are on the wrong side of the pitcher, but perfect opportunity for a line drive right between the eyes.
My respect for the lizard grows.
He looks like Jim Thome
Wow, no wonder Dragon wins.
Remember Mimic’s speech about how there’s so many things an axe can do, other than be an axe? Ping-pong paddle, I think was on the list?
“But tha’s no’ considerin’ th’ axe as a whole shape! There’s a range a’ things an axe can do if y’ try! Y’ coul’ use th’ handle as a lever, or th’ flat a’ th’ blade as… as a ping pong paddle!”
Brings back memories of Dusty DIamond’s All-Star Softball, which had players using substitute bats including a pickaxe for a miner, a broom for a witch, and a spiked club for an oni.
The “stick of dynamite for a tinkerer” bit kind of got old though.
Only in Rusty and Co. will you see a barbarian, a lizardman, a cleric, a paladin, halfling rogues, mages, undead necromancer clones, a giant angel, a giant crustacean monster, a gelatinous cube, and a rust monster all fighting to the death in a baseball stadium.
Only in R&C, and the most extreme drug addled hallucinations