Did I miss something? None of this conversation makes any sense in view of what appears to be happening on the page (though it does sort of fit the alt-text).
Eh, they can usually get by with their wisdom bonus alone, especially since spot tends to be a cross-class skill for them and they’re almost always hurting for skill points as it is.
Trained and untrained skill use in 3.5 (which we’ve pretty strong indicators is the system used in R&C) only determines for select skills if you are able to make a skill check at all vs an attribute check. http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm
Is a few points here or there sometimes the difference between success and failure? Sure, but eating up your 3+int skill points as a human cleric or paladin to bump up Spot at 2 points per rank is not typically a smart move.
Depends on how often the GM uses Spot and Listen. I’ve seen a lot of variance between different tables.
And judicious multi-classing can powerfully affect skills. ::winks::
Yeah, it definitely depends on how you interpret the rules.
The group I play in has always taken spot checks to mean that the person knows how to look out for something. It’s not a matter of seeing something or not seeing it, it’s a matter of knowing how to interpret what you’re seeing. That makes the difference between putting one point into spot, and being a clueless fool who’ll miss the forest for the trees.
Obviously, DCs have a serious effect as well. But in this case here, he’s just around the corner, there should be a scent of blood in the air, and the thing they WERE looking for is gone. This is why having a wisdom score through the roof doesn’t make a lick of difference if you don’t know how to use it. Either that, or there’s some pretty hefty penalties to offset the bonus modifiers. Maddy being a blushing, distracted mess is probably throwing her roll right out the window.
Derek probably threw a 1. Poor Derek. That’s gonna bite him at performance review time, if something else doesn’t bite him first.
If this were Discworld I’d say no (as leaving so much blood outside the body “is a waste of good food”.) In D&D vampires are generally pictured as… messier.
don’t worry he just slipped and spilled his strawberry milkshake all over the place and is just thinking how much of a silly move that was and how lucky he was no one saw him before he bothers getting up
“I can’t believe I tripped on that dagger. Where the heck did that come from anyways?
“Well, better get up and clean.. oh crap, Derek, he’ll never let me live this down!
“Whadduidu, whadduidu, whadduidu..
“Play Dead! Good Boy!
“C’mon, c’mon, leave already!”
Our blackguard is too ineffectual a villain to have much chance of being the main villain here. We’ve already seen Calamitus being borderline competent, if another joke villain actually accomplishes anything, we’ll forget this show is a comedy.
The funny thing is that our dear blackguard IS competent, which is why he makes a point of being ineffectual: dangerous tigers get much worse treatment than playful ones.
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Uh-oh. I think Grawlf IS a patient now.
I don’t think Grawlf’s in any condition to be considered a patient any more, unless you’ve got some diamonds handy…
Both are possible. But I suspect the “need diamond” is more likely.
Roxy may be lucky the other elf stopped her.
Come on, he’ll walk this off next week. Hell, maybe even ealrier since he’s still got meat on his body.
quite possible — after all, we had a dwarf come back from being eaten by Cube. Twice.
That meat may be holding him back from being a love interest for the Princess. I hear she likes ’em bony.
Did I miss something? None of this conversation makes any sense in view of what appears to be happening on the page (though it does sort of fit the alt-text).
Nevermind, I see it now.
And THIS is why you always put a couple of points into spot. Silly divine spellcasters…
Eh, they can usually get by with their wisdom bonus alone, especially since spot tends to be a cross-class skill for them and they’re almost always hurting for skill points as it is.
You’re not wrong, but the difference between trained and untrained skill use can make all the difference.
Especially when the corpse is barely obscured by the column.
I was wondering what all this talk was about, even going back to see if there were hints about the elf before.
Thank for telling me where to look .
An assisted spot check has a great circumstance bonus, doesn’t it?
J, an Aid Other attempt gives +2 to the person being assisted if successful.
Of course, there’s no limit to how many creature can assist you, which has led to some pretty funny minmaxing builds.
Trained and untrained skill use in 3.5 (which we’ve pretty strong indicators is the system used in R&C) only determines for select skills if you are able to make a skill check at all vs an attribute check. http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm
Is a few points here or there sometimes the difference between success and failure? Sure, but eating up your 3+int skill points as a human cleric or paladin to bump up Spot at 2 points per rank is not typically a smart move.
Depends on how often the GM uses Spot and Listen. I’ve seen a lot of variance between different tables.
And judicious multi-classing can powerfully affect skills. ::winks::
Yeah, it definitely depends on how you interpret the rules.
The group I play in has always taken spot checks to mean that the person knows how to look out for something. It’s not a matter of seeing something or not seeing it, it’s a matter of knowing how to interpret what you’re seeing. That makes the difference between putting one point into spot, and being a clueless fool who’ll miss the forest for the trees.
Obviously, DCs have a serious effect as well. But in this case here, he’s just around the corner, there should be a scent of blood in the air, and the thing they WERE looking for is gone. This is why having a wisdom score through the roof doesn’t make a lick of difference if you don’t know how to use it. Either that, or there’s some pretty hefty penalties to offset the bonus modifiers. Maddy being a blushing, distracted mess is probably throwing her roll right out the window.
Derek probably threw a 1. Poor Derek. That’s gonna bite him at performance review time, if something else doesn’t bite him first.
Nooo! Not doctor fluffy doggy ;_;
Grawlf, Noooooo!
That’s a shame, I liked Grawlf. So the question is are the Elves vampires… or is that what we’re *supposed* to think?
If this were Discworld I’d say no (as leaving so much blood outside the body “is a waste of good food”.) In D&D vampires are generally pictured as… messier.
Are D&D vampires corpse cold to the touch? Remember that Roxy collided with one at the bar and noticed nothing.
Can’t recall if that’s in the description, but that disinclines me to believe that’s a given. I suspect it’s up to the GM.
I also mourn the Canem Medicus.
RIP Grawlf you silly cinnamon bun. May you rest in your respective paradise.
He’s just sleeping… in a puddle of tomato sauce. I have to believe that, otherwise it ruins the adorable moment in the center panels there. T_T
don’t worry he just slipped and spilled his strawberry milkshake all over the place and is just thinking how much of a silly move that was and how lucky he was no one saw him before he bothers getting up
“I can’t believe I tripped on that dagger. Where the heck did that come from anyways?
“Well, better get up and clean.. oh crap, Derek, he’ll never let me live this down!
“Whadduidu, whadduidu, whadduidu..
“Play Dead! Good Boy!
“C’mon, c’mon, leave already!”
I’m willing to bet that the patient did end up with some extra organs.
Unfortunately they were from Grawlf.
How many of you think “the evil” is elf-related and not our favorite blackguard after all?
Hmmm — and Stabs injudiciously pried open something recently.
Our blackguard is too ineffectual a villain to have much chance of being the main villain here. We’ve already seen Calamitus being borderline competent, if another joke villain actually accomplishes anything, we’ll forget this show is a comedy.
The funny thing is that our dear blackguard IS competent, which is why he makes a point of being ineffectual: dangerous tigers get much worse treatment than playful ones.
You’ve got it backwards “An Evil ‘neath the stade / a Doogan shall free.” The Evil’s going to free a Doogan!
Owww… *sniffle*… It was nice to know you, Grawlf…
don’t worry he’s only dead, not like it’s anything serious,
“As it happens, he’s only MOSTLY dead.”
“…I’ve seen worse…”
::begins going through Grawf’s pockets looking for loose change::
Oh, snap, crackle, and pop! Guess Grawlf wasn’t the one we needed to worry about.
Something’s off about these Elves, and it’s not just their pasty complexions and obnoxious attitudes.
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So…. Anyone know if Rusty’s still being held by the purple-skinned guy? (Yes, I know he has a name. Can’t be bothered to go look it up).
Malevolus. Most likely a play on ‘malevolent’.
I like the savvy pacifist and the ditzy fighter pairing.
Provided Madeline gets her skills back.
Which should happen.