Next time Greenie is in the bar Stabs needs to tell her, “An admirer sent you this!” while giving her a New Jersey Turnpike, AKA “The Mat Shot”. Then point to a guy who has been a cheap tipper or causes trouble.
That was answered on the page after the fakeout Q&A with the broken links, I think? I think the just of it was yes, she did receive them, but we haven’t seen that she now has wings on her helmet, since we’ve never seen her actually wearing her helmet. It’s more of a symbolic thing.
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Now WHO could that hand and ruffled sleeve belong to?
Don’t forget the speech pattern, it is a give-away. The alt-text even lampshades it…
The speech bubble would give it away, but so does the ruffle. He’s — distinctive.
That Machiavellian aristocrat, right?
If that last word in Greenie’s tirade is supposed to be what I think it is, it’s spelled “ludicrous”.
That elf won’t bother to spell human words correctly.
Fixed, thank you.
There still may be some hot elf on elf action in the future… The lady doth protest too much, methinks
Next time Greenie is in the bar Stabs needs to tell her, “An admirer sent you this!” while giving her a New Jersey Turnpike, AKA “The Mat Shot”. Then point to a guy who has been a cheap tipper or causes trouble.
This just reminds me that we are still waiting to hear the answer to the question about Maddies’s wings back from level 2.
That was answered on the page after the fakeout Q&A with the broken links, I think? I think the just of it was yes, she did receive them, but we haven’t seen that she now has wings on her helmet, since we’ve never seen her actually wearing her helmet. It’s more of a symbolic thing.
A thought occurs” I don’t think I’ve ever seen an elf with a cigarette before. Can we call this a first…?
Nope. Check level 4-20.
‘Pipe weed’
A habit of humans, dwarves, wizards, and hobbits — but not, to the best of my knowledge, elves.
I love how the “twist” is also worked into the character’s speech bubbles and even hand movement.
Oh. Him. Stuff’s about to get real real.
Smoking might be bad for your health – or somebodys, anyway…
Tich, don’t you know smoking will cut your lifespan to under a thousand years?