Are we supposed to know what she is remembering (it’s been a while, I don’t remember Maddie v Calamitus), or is this a build-up to some reveal? (Just wondering if I am forgetting some key scene from the past…)
In #8-113 Maddie is trying to talk about what she remembers from being dead, though she doesn’t get very far and at that point doesn’t seem to have clear memories. My guess would be she has clearer memories now, but I still have no idea what they’re memories *of* or why she’s reacting this way.
Thanks to this comment, I’ve just formulated a theory of sports in webcomics: They’re so dreadfully dull that it’s almost inevitable that the actual plot will be woven in and around the sport being depicted, thereby bloating the sports arc to something far longer and more complicated than either the sport or the actual plot needed to be.
I suspect that the same thing happens with tournament arcs.
(Note: I tend to dislike both, so I may be biased.)
And don’t forget: as an adventurer he needs to fill the wealth-by-level gap between the monster loot he started with and starting PC gear in order to be properly equipped for threats of his party’s level.. It’s just… Rough to outfit yourself as proper adventurer when everything you touch takes acid damage.
I feel as though this thing is a child that got summoned here not knowing what was going on. Then when they blew it up it just started crying and going “MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM”
And everyone surviving on the field levels up from “survived an Eldritch Monster” XP… or at least gets the T-shirt. I mean, vendor + magic = instant T-shirts, in the right size even!
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Owch. The other side of death/resurrection trauma. She’ll get through it, but…nobody comes out of that the same.
Are we supposed to know what she is remembering (it’s been a while, I don’t remember Maddie v Calamitus), or is this a build-up to some reveal? (Just wondering if I am forgetting some key scene from the past…)
In #8-113 Maddie is trying to talk about what she remembers from being dead, though she doesn’t get very far and at that point doesn’t seem to have clear memories. My guess would be she has clearer memories now, but I still have no idea what they’re memories *of* or why she’s reacting this way.
Who can blame you? We’ve been in the baseball episode for 4 years now.
Could be worse. Could be Cricket.
(goes back) ….my god, you weren’t joking.
I’ve been on Freefall time so long I hadn’t noticed XD
Thanks to this comment, I’ve just formulated a theory of sports in webcomics: They’re so dreadfully dull that it’s almost inevitable that the actual plot will be woven in and around the sport being depicted, thereby bloating the sports arc to something far longer and more complicated than either the sport or the actual plot needed to be.
I suspect that the same thing happens with tournament arcs.
(Note: I tend to dislike both, so I may be biased.)
You mean the webcomic will go into …extra innings?
Four *fluff*ing years on this *fluff*ing arc. We went into extra innings a long time ago.
There’s a reason I’ve been referring to this arc as “Namek”.
And I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it the whole time.
No. We are supposed to learn when the other characters do.
Maddiiiieeeeeeee ????
Welp, no unicode support in the comment system.
Really? ????
huh. ?
Oh, that flat out broke my heart. Derek better get his butt over there..
Please don’t let Derek say ” I’m sorry Maddie. I just don’t love you that way.”
He didn’t seem to mind the kiss.
I see Cube has picked up some souvenirs from the Calamitous clones.
A cube’s got to eat.
And don’t forget: as an adventurer he needs to fill the wealth-by-level gap between the monster loot he started with and starting PC gear in order to be properly equipped for threats of his party’s level.. It’s just… Rough to outfit yourself as proper adventurer when everything you touch takes acid damage.
The ecological role of the Gelatinous Cube is to clean up dungeons and battlefields of all the unwanted monster corpses.
And like most scavengers, Cube isn’t all that fussy about whether those corpses are still moving…
The fact that the centre of the pitch where this particular Mehgod appeared is undamaged gives me hope that Mimic and Kris are alive, if not okay.
I feel as though this thing is a child that got summoned here not knowing what was going on. Then when they blew it up it just started crying and going “MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM”
Those aren’t tears, that’s its blood.
I hope you’re not the kind of person who stands wordlessly and sheds tears whenever you cry. that’s just weird.
And everyone surviving on the field levels up from “survived an Eldritch Monster” XP… or at least gets the T-shirt. I mean, vendor + magic = instant T-shirts, in the right size even!
Yep everyone gets a shirt! But they still have to pay for it.
They probably will not make a mascot of this thing. But an ugly trophy in its shape is likely.
Well, now we know why Anti-Maddie didn’t get any XP for blasting the Mehgod… it didn’t die, it just went home.
you say that like people don’t regularly get rewarded for surviving an encounter rather than utterly annihilating all enemies.
Eh, Anti is concerned less for XP and more for the size of the explosions. I imagine she’s happy enough.
So does every summoned monster, what of it?
Well this is the saddest victory I have seen in a while.
Derek get your but in gear, you need to fix this now.
Last three panels broke my heart. Poor Maddie…
Well done, Mike
So nice when an arc ends on a great punchline.
More of a punch-in-the-gut line in this case.
Mimic, please say something to Maddie to help her. Derek, well Derek just isn’t as competent as Mimic is.
I’ll cry if the point doesn’t go to our team.
This is why you shouldn’t sneeze with your eyes out.