I’m surprised that no-one has opined at all, concerning Dorilys’ skill in combining “Punning-Under-Duress” with “Having The PUNishment Fit The Crime”, in Panel_3. She’s so dourly matter-of-fact most of the time, it’s a welcome change of pace.
Too soon to tell. The previous page confirms that Mimic was pretending to be her RIGHT shoe, & her right foot is still bare. In the last panel of this page, her LEFT foot is blocked from our view by her torso.
If it were me, I’d have bared both of my feet, to improve my speed, but her shoes have (c)patented stabbing technology on the soles, so she might keep it as a surprise weapon.
What in that world are you talking about? Dorlys hasn’t hurt the T-rex in the slightest. It’s Mimic that’s making such unprovoked, horrific attacks against the innocent staff.
I can’t believe Mimic would be so cruel, I tell ya. An unprovoked attack laced with unnecessary cruelty… that act’s going to leave a stain on his sole.
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Might become a ‘quarterling’, but I doubt it.
I’m sure she saw it coming.
Ha! I ‘saw’ what you did there!
Such cutting humor!
It truly is edgy.
With a nice spin!
Things may still take a turn for the worse.
I’m surprised that no-one has opined at all, concerning Dorilys’ skill in combining “Punning-Under-Duress” with “Having The PUNishment Fit The Crime”, in Panel_3. She’s so dourly matter-of-fact most of the time, it’s a welcome change of pace.
I just hope Mimic didn’t maintain the edgy spikes when Dorilys slapped the T-Rex with him. Hate to risk giving him a Staff infection!
I really like how Dorilys (Dorylis?) isn’t even asking a question of Mimic. Just “WHY.”
She knows he always has an agenda…
Dorilys. And it may be short for “Why, you wretched mimic!”
Lovely idea, to have the zoom lines of the buzzsaw blade continue smoothly from one panel, through the second and on to the third!
Nice Catch! I didn’t even see that, but it is pretty cool!
I’ve always heard that the pen is mightier than the sword, but the shoe being mightier than the staff is a new one to me.
A quote to remember…
Man, that’s either some really tough grass or a really weak buzzsaw.
That Dungeon Turf’ll kill ya, man!
Defying both the laws of physics and probability … ?
A D&D standard!
Did Stabs lose her other shoe as well? Or is this just an error?
Too soon to tell. The previous page confirms that Mimic was pretending to be her RIGHT shoe, & her right foot is still bare. In the last panel of this page, her LEFT foot is blocked from our view by her torso.
If it were me, I’d have bared both of my feet, to improve my speed, but her shoes have (c)patented stabbing technology on the soles, so she might keep it as a surprise weapon.
Flying circular saws, this is why we take Improved Evasion. ^^
Did Mimic really figure out the Chaos effect down to a second?
Oh, oh, oh, I finally got it: Dorilys hits the dino with a shoe (Rusty) and says ‘heel!’
Delayed appreciation of wit, is what I’m sayin’.
If that blow was enough to down a T. Rex, what must poor Mimic be feeling?
He’s feeling pain down to his sole.
Does hitting the Rex count as breaking her vow of nonviolence?
It’s Derek, not Dorilys, who has the vow of non-violence. As she pointed out when he complained about how she took out the troll.
What in that world are you talking about? Dorlys hasn’t hurt the T-rex in the slightest. It’s Mimic that’s making such unprovoked, horrific attacks against the innocent staff.
I can’t believe Mimic would be so cruel, I tell ya. An unprovoked attack laced with unnecessary cruelty… that act’s going to leave a stain on his sole.
I know Mimic is a shoe just now, but that’s not what I first saw.
Too much anime, I’m afraid.
If Mimic throws up, I’m calling Dirty.
I, for one, really like the Keystone Kops-Rube Goldberg mashup this week.
Shoe dinosaur, go away!