See panel 5 in the lower center, right between Rustette and the Lizard guy.. She’s in the purplish-blue chest with gold trim in the background. Sort of a zoom-in effect in panel 6.
Most baseball pitchers throw overhand because it’s easier to learn, but underarm and sidearm throws are legit – if unorthodox – methods of pitching in baseball. Underhand throws are often referred to as “whip” pitching because you have to windmill your arm to build up enough speed to throw straight.
See, the whole point of mimicking furniture is to become *unassuming* furniture. Mannequins tend to draw attention, and would be conspicuous outside of a clothing boutique or a department store.
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Okay, it’s official, Anti-Madeline is the best facemaker, hands off.
… Would Anti-Madi’s hiding spot count as a chest? I’m squinting but I can’t quite determine if it’s got the right shape…
Well, I guess it’s a either a chest, or one heck of a crate facsimile.
Definitely a chest. Even just looking at the last square you could be almost sure it’s a chest. A bit tall though.
See panel 5 in the lower center, right between Rustette and the Lizard guy.. She’s in the purplish-blue chest with gold trim in the background. Sort of a zoom-in effect in panel 6.
That’s my thought. It’s a little too tall, but it definitely looks like a chest to me.
Of course, the words that might come from that chest are likely to all be bleeped out of coherence.
Well Anti-Madeline’s in a blue chest. I thought she would end up in Malevolus’s breastplate again or between Dorylis’s …um…pair of kegs.
Of course the cleats inside Cube are running with him. Looks like Duke Evilman has a front row seat too.
I wonder what he has that he thinks could stop cube.
Ah the Viscount is in panel five, spectating as he does! Friend in high places indeed.
So just where is Mimic right about now?
My guess is he’s roun– cubing first base.
Did the Pitchking just pitch underarm? Is that even allowed (In cricket underarm bowling is considered most foul, due to an incident in the 70’s)?
If it’s conventionally not allowed cause of injury risk, chances are it’s legal in gnomish baseball.
Most baseball pitchers throw overhand because it’s easier to learn, but underarm and sidearm throws are legit – if unorthodox – methods of pitching in baseball. Underhand throws are often referred to as “whip” pitching because you have to windmill your arm to build up enough speed to throw straight.
There’s a dash missing in the mouseover text, but otherwise this should clarify your question.
Look at Cube go. That is some hustle.
Legit question: Is there any reason that Mimic can’t mimic an mannequin or similar jointed humanoid object and thus become relatively bipedal?
Logically, that would work. However, that would seriously violate the most important rule, the Rule of Funny.
See, the whole point of mimicking furniture is to become *unassuming* furniture. Mannequins tend to draw attention, and would be conspicuous outside of a clothing boutique or a department store.
Drive, drive, drive your car
Gently down the street.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is such a treat.