Last comic Anti-Madeline referenced Marilyn Monroe and her famous “happy birthday Mr. President” from 1962… And in this one we have her referencing “Katamari Damacy”… ^.^
Man, Anti-Madeline is definitely very aware of the (relatively) contemporary pop-culture of our world, huh? ^.^
I fear that this is too big a challenge for Anti-Madeline, and this floor in the plan was an oversight on Viscount’s part; he dreamt to high. Malevolous can’t be of much help, either; he’s currently at the bottom rung of the Evilness ladder.
That explosion wasn’t the cake; it was Malevelous exploding with rage.
Also, what does Derik mean, “that came from the dungeon?”. The jail appears to be 3d10 wandering monsters and 1d4+1 treasure hoards short of the fantasy definition of “dungeon”.
She’s not missing an arm, it’s just flat against her side, and that side’s away from the viewpoint. You can see it above and below the curve of her breast. Compare the third panel with the fourth, since the only difference in her position is her right arm.
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Well I guess that…the birthday party [puts on sunglasses]…was a BLAST.
That joke really bombed
Last comic Anti-Madeline referenced Marilyn Monroe and her famous “happy birthday Mr. President” from 1962… And in this one we have her referencing “Katamari Damacy”… ^.^
Man, Anti-Madeline is definitely very aware of the (relatively) contemporary pop-culture of our world, huh? ^.^
Yeah. It was one of missives that explained the information flow.
I was assuming Steam’s “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss him Goodbye”, but that works too…
Isn’t it a reference to the old Batman theme?
I thought it was “Hey Jude” by the Beatles (It’s got the right number of “Na’s, and the bold Na’s seem to fit as well).
Nah, it’s Katamari on the rocks 100%. Singing while rolling the 8-ball removes all possible doubt. song and gameplay
So . . . how’s she supposed to get up there?
Or is she waiting for Malevolous to stumble in?
I fear that this is too big a challenge for Anti-Madeline, and this floor in the plan was an oversight on Viscount’s part; he dreamt to high. Malevolous can’t be of much help, either; he’s currently at the bottom rung of the Evilness ladder.
That explosion wasn’t the cake; it was Malevelous exploding with rage.
Also, what does Derik mean, “that came from the dungeon?”. The jail appears to be 3d10 wandering monsters and 1d4+1 treasure hoards short of the fantasy definition of “dungeon”.
It’s not the D&D definition of dungeon, it’s an old, real world dungeon … a place of incarceration for dangerous prisoners. No treasure troves here.
Although the only prisoners currently occupying it seem to be dangerous only to themselves…
Dorilys had to invoke her universe-warping powers to deal with the poisoned dagger. Yeah, could have killed.
only 17 short? count yourself lucky stabs, last time they “lost” all of my gear thanks to a natural 1.
Is she really short, or is she banking on them not having counted to begin with to score some free knives and/or financial compensation?
She’s really short, but size isn’t everything.
Ba-dum tish!
Sorry, that pun went over my head.
Dragons have thier gold,
Stabs has her daggers.
And since a dagger sells for about 1gp, Stabs is probably richer than the average dragon…
I hear the original Zelda theme from Anti Madeline.
More like the old Batman TV series theme tune, for my part.
I … am hearing katamari damacy. Come on, she’s rollin’, rollin’, rollin’….
Come on guys, get with it! It’s an old Beatles’ tune.
Na na na na,
Na na na na,
Hey hey!
No, guys. it’s not Steam or The Beatles, it’s The Nylons!
Anti-Madelines glasses: Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatics. So, show of hands: Who is over 40 here? (Make that 42…)
Nice one, but why assume that only people over a certain age will have read the Hitchhiker’s “trilogy”?
And while I’m here, why doesn’t this thing let me italicize stuff?
Anti-Madeline is missing an arm in panel 3. Which is odd, because she is clearly far from armless.
She’s not missing an arm, it’s just flat against her side, and that side’s away from the viewpoint. You can see it above and below the curve of her breast. Compare the third panel with the fourth, since the only difference in her position is her right arm.
Yeah, I’d say she was fetching the sunglasses from her back pocket in this panel… assuming plate armors have back pockets.