Why is Stabs still attached to the electromagnet? The cables were obviously severed. No electricity = no magnetism.
She ought to have been thrown clear from the magnet during the fall, or at the very least upon impact with the ground.
It’s probably one of those rogue things. She’s bluffing. Biding her time.
no but solid objects like a magnet do fall faster than squishy objects with lots of loose flapping fabric that caused drag and air resistance the diffrence may not be much but it’s enough. just try placing a feather under a steel plate and see what happens when they are dropped.
the only reason stabs isn’t a pancake is the cannon is big enough to shield her from the magnet
and I just realised… rusty eats magnet so stabs can use the cannon
Nor do they fall slower. They fall just as fast as they intend to.
Stabs drag to perhaps fall slower is cancelled by her in that case being caught up by the heavy iron thing (TM) in her back. Plus knives.
An electromagnet can actually hold onto a small fraction of its magnetism once power is cut. A larger scale version of rubbing a nail on a magnet to magnetize if you will. Probably just enough to keep stabs attached on the way down.
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This, presumably, is where Rusty appearce on the scene, as he is supposed to “be not lead by the nose”.
Eat Cannonball?
No… Rusty IS the cannon ball.
Place your bets now folks!
ooo, good call. Rusty is already in the cannon, resting after a mid-fight snack. How rude of Mr. Ring Leader to wake Rusty in such a manner.
And maybe the cannonball was made of lead?
Looks like they’re gonna have a ball.
Indeed – I think they’re going to have a blast.
Do you suppose this is a literal case of “BOOM! Headshot!”?
Okay, that’s it everyone, we can go home now.
Abatis has won. We can’t possibly top that.
Are you saying you were blown away by the response?
I think she’s saying my joke was bang on.
I’d make another joke here, but I have to go gunpowder my nose.
Abatis, you blew that one out of the water.
Hah this is great! I love the facial expressions they accurately reflect the craziness of the situation.
Is today’s comic canon?
Only if it’s the roamin’ cannon of mass hysteria about to happen
I love seeing Slobber come to the rescue.
Remember guys! we have an airborne Madeline to count on to!
Is Maddie airborne? I thought she hit the lava. It’s Boot Cut who, last heard, was still sailing through the air with the greatest of ease.
Was it lava, or just a bed of flaming coals? Makes a difference.
Looks like the perfect set-up for — something.
I think the direction that Presti’s cannon is facing after Stabs fall is about to be very relevant.
Why is Stabs still attached to the electromagnet? The cables were obviously severed. No electricity = no magnetism.
She ought to have been thrown clear from the magnet during the fall, or at the very least upon impact with the ground.
It’s probably one of those rogue things. She’s bluffing. Biding her time.
She’s under it all the way to the ground, not still attached, IMO anyway.
The magnet falls faster than she can. (That thing is massive heavy.) She’s stuck UNDER it, not TO it.
Physics 101: heavier objects do not fall faster.
no but solid objects like a magnet do fall faster than squishy objects with lots of loose flapping fabric that caused drag and air resistance the diffrence may not be much but it’s enough. just try placing a feather under a steel plate and see what happens when they are dropped.
the only reason stabs isn’t a pancake is the cannon is big enough to shield her from the magnet
and I just realised… rusty eats magnet so stabs can use the cannon
Nor do they fall slower. They fall just as fast as they intend to.
Stabs drag to perhaps fall slower is cancelled by her in that case being caught up by the heavy iron thing (TM) in her back. Plus knives.
*Cartoon* Physics 101: Yes they do.
An electromagnet can actually hold onto a small fraction of its magnetism once power is cut. A larger scale version of rubbing a nail on a magnet to magnetize if you will. Probably just enough to keep stabs attached on the way down.
I’m pretty sure Stabs is inside a triangle, whose walls are the cannon, what’s left of the magnet, & the ground.
Now… is Slobber dumb enough to try to catch a speeding cannon ball???
…or maybe he’ll try to “fetch” it, as it sails into the magma…?
Oh dear, I get the feeling we’re about to see the results of too many cooks spoiling the soup…