She opened an eye to confirm the new challenger’s identity. She can sense evil to blind fight, but it doesn’t tell you WHO you are fighting. Apparently she wanted to know who. And since this is an evil foe who already had a chance to retreat… Maddie may not show “mercy” again.
Or she felt the cable shaking like crazy. If you look at their feet, it’s clearly shifting under the weight of the several-hundred pound (though slightly lighter than before) Gorantula. It probably is evil, though.
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There’s the “Lay on Hands” we were wondering about.
So it is … 🙂
Uh-oh. Dah monkey’s mad.
This is a crime against fashion!
So is the dress.
THAAAAAAT looks very unfair
This is probably going to turn the tide in Maddie’s favor.
Yep, Maddie gets out of the way, and the too-mad-to-think ape tears the other one apart.
One hopes so. She opened her eyes, which means she’s not in fighting mode.
With her insane jumping skills, that’s pretty likely.
But is the Gorilla evil? Or just enthralled? Cause if he isn’t evil, well Maddie is lawful good…
Tide turning? The Trident of Warning might alert her to that…
(Yeah, yeah, I know how a Quadrant of Warning works, it’s a joke people!)
The third panel looks especially cool !
A new challenger appears!
Tutu wants round two.
Someone doesn’t look to happy.
Man, if these two weren’t trying to kill each other they could charge boatloads of money for a show like this…
Hell, they still could
She opened an eye to confirm the new challenger’s identity. She can sense evil to blind fight, but it doesn’t tell you WHO you are fighting. Apparently she wanted to know who. And since this is an evil foe who already had a chance to retreat… Maddie may not show “mercy” again.
Or she felt the cable shaking like crazy. If you look at their feet, it’s clearly shifting under the weight of the several-hundred pound (though slightly lighter than before) Gorantula. It probably is evil, though.
It’s a Grrr-aaaahh-lon!
Not as bad as a gorilililililililililililililililililililla.
I wonder what the cherub with the trumpet is there for.
It’s a part of her Lay On Hands, it’s not exactly a ‘quiet’ power
for reference
Where’s the sixth arm? Hidden behind the one in front holding the rope?
Now is the time to be defeated Maddie. Instead of smooshed.