“Ladies and gentlebeings! Halflings of all ages! I direct your attention to the center ring, where the silent and mysterious Cubic Stranger will face the Candy Blob in a stupendous battle of the ages!”
Also…Roxy? It’s sweet of you to worry about Madeline, but ‘be careful’? Shouldn’t you ask her for something more realistic, like ‘please achieve lasting world peace, prove the Reimann Hypothesis, and locate a sensibly dressed Drow?”
The gnoll was frightening..
Sprinkled like lightning…
The deurgar was mourning…
and the floss started moving… YEAH!
And the mack with the snack said arise and then attack,
and the cotton candy crawled like this,
And the duergar in the corner was sadder than a morgue
but his cotton candy crawled like this.
Crawled like this
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Don’t be lead by the nose, huh? Rusty’s being lead by a bunch of red ones right now.
A sour-tempered ascorbic acid blob now?
20 years of calliope music only? Poor things. I’d be demented too.
The dreaded cotton candy elemental!
Not quite so Hard as Titanium Elemental, but strong enough to leave our heroes in a sticky situation.
just realized, that should be a Cotton Candy Golom.
and that you can’t edit.
and that this is a double post.
and a run-on one at that.
Just occurred to me you’re thinking of sugar acids — an overabundance of which is still quite hazardous to anyone. But not quite Cube’s class.
“Ladies and gentlebeings! Halflings of all ages! I direct your attention to the center ring, where the silent and mysterious Cubic Stranger will face the Candy Blob in a stupendous battle of the ages!”
Also…Roxy? It’s sweet of you to worry about Madeline, but ‘be careful’? Shouldn’t you ask her for something more realistic, like ‘please achieve lasting world peace, prove the Reimann Hypothesis, and locate a sensibly dressed Drow?”
People with like 15 INT points more than Maddie can’t prove the Riemann Hypothesis.
Still, at least as likely as Maddie “being careful” right now.
The gnoll was frightening..
Sprinkled like lightning…
The deurgar was mourning…
and the floss started moving… YEAH!
And the mack with the snack said arise and then attack,
and the cotton candy crawled like this,
And the duergar in the corner was sadder than a morgue
but his cotton candy crawled like this.
Crawled like this
Oh bravo!
Thank you, thank you very much.
*casts /burning hands/ and waves in the air in tribute*
*slow clap*
Oh. Oh yes. Well played, Sir (or Madam).
“Impending snack attack” *snerk*
deep fried butter bombs
Ye olde licorice whips and newer steel-tipped twizzler flails
the dreaded funnel cake webs
McTaff, that was awesome.
In case it hasn’t been established yet, he’s a lot more competent than he was in the forest…
Largely because he has the Tentacallis backing him up.
Candy floss golem?
I can already predict he will die by being eaten…. probably by cube
Oh, so that’s Steak Knife. Okay, makes sense.