This is the first time I noticed that our Yuan-ti friend is a rattlesnake. Which, I suppose, explains why she sounds like she comes from Rattlesnake Ridge.
no, nagas just have a human head, and in dnd, there are monsters called yuan-ti that have more human body parts than said nagas, sometimes to the point where they are just about indistinguishable from humans. the term lamia is just an nickname for the yuan-ti
Why is it that Mimic’s stories about their feats are always slighted? I mean, Roxy didn’t even give him any credit for saving the universe with a rap battle!
Damn, failed her save – if’n this was 3rd ed/3.5 it would’ve been a Will save…based on WIS, which Maddy can’t be TOO bad with if’n she got to be a paladin…but then again, regardless of how good someone’s save, a 1 always fails. 🙁
Exactly. Which is why I always see rolling a 1 as an opportunity for dramatic, or funny, or dramatically funny outcomes. “Immediately fatal” just isn’t any of those!
Eh, I don’t know. We’ve never actually seen her cast a spell, have we? We’re still low enough she shouldn’t have more than a couple of spells even *with* a good Wisdom, anyway. She might just not be bothering with spellcasting, which takes some of the pressure off a class that needs between three and five good abilities.
What’s more worrying is that Maddie ought to have Divine Grace, and we know her Charisma’s no slouch. So either that vamp has some really good Charisma too or Maddie failed *hard*. (Vamp dominate is Cha-based, right?)
Yup. Dominate’s a supernatural ability, which means the DC is 10+1/2 HD+Cha Mod.
The hard question is what’s our (un)friendly neighborhood Vampire’s level. She has a decent Cha (safe assumption of a bare minimum is 14 since Vamps get +4 for being vamps), so the DC is actually pretty high, though Maddie’s no slouch in the Will Save department either (even if she’s got no Wisdom, Will is a good save for Paladins plus her Cha).
Looks like the 1 to me. That said, per the spell description: “Subjects resist this control, and any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus.” Attacking her friends is WAY out of character for Maddie, so the mere act of attacking might be triggering new saves.
That said, I’m predicting a Jello Surprise to stop her rampage, as that’s about the only person on our side who could go toe to toe with Maddie.
I don’t know. It’s pretty clear she dumped Intelligence, but in my experience it’s kind of hard to write a low-Intelligence, high-Wisdom character in a way that gets that particular point across.
Looks like INT is a common dump stat for paladins (CHA is the dump for most classes/people), which further reinforces the “lawful dumb” stereotype, but luckily she doesn’t play like that. Paladins need some wisdom, sure, and I think the “dumb but stat-wise” creatures are covered – Like certain monsters who have, like, INT 1-2 but pretty high WIS; They can’t figure basic intelligent race stuff, but they can feel that something’s up.Most fiction characters who would qualify as having low Wisdom are those who are often warned out-of-loud how that they should pay more attention or they are being too impulsive.
In Madeleine’s case, she might have pretty good Wisdom; She’s naive, but so far she wasn’t shown to be dumb as a door. She knows something’s up to the point of SMELLING evil. Checking every wisdom trait I can check so far, Madeleine didn’t broke any. About Inteligence, I wonder if our favourite ragtag bunch of dungeon monsters aren’t being spared by her abysmal INT. Paladins are supposed to be religious, but Knowledge (Religion) is INT-based, so she might be acting more on “feel” than “think”. Unless there’s some church there welcoming a rust monster, a mimic and a gelatinous cube, they are on her side probably because she’d be the one getting a baby bottle before being presented to the baby orc (or, alternatively, “slay this unaligned ant”) problem.
That TL;DR said, I’m considerably worried about this hipster vampire bunch, given it managed to dominate someone with at least decent willpower and at least some anti-evil spell assuming she’s at least Level 4. Blame her intelligence for fumbilng her Vampires 101 classes.
In the US, PBS stands for “Public Broadcasting System” – the company that shows things like Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, both of which are big on puppets.
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That is an adorable expression in panel 3. Also, my first impression of the final panel is that a Big sister is after our heroes!
This is the first time I noticed that our Yuan-ti friend is a rattlesnake. Which, I suppose, explains why she sounds like she comes from Rattlesnake Ridge.
Actually, she’s a naga, although in the universe of Rusty and Co. nagas are called lamias.
no, nagas just have a human head, and in dnd, there are monsters called yuan-ti that have more human body parts than said nagas, sometimes to the point where they are just about indistinguishable from humans. the term lamia is just an nickname for the yuan-ti
Why is it that Mimic’s stories about their feats are always slighted? I mean, Roxy didn’t even give him any credit for saving the universe with a rap battle!
Why is it that I can’t help but read Yuan-Tiffany as speaking with Applejack’s voice, now?
*vote’s your comment up*
Aw crap. Don’t tell me it worked. RUN! SLITHER! FLUTTER! Or… whatever it is drunk fairies do… Oh, i know! AMSCRAM!
AM-SCRAM is the best failed use of Pig Latin I’ve ever seen…
Given that Madeline isn’t the brightest bulb, she might mistake Yuan-Tiffany as a human and go for the PBS Kracken.
She’s already met and promised to help the kraken.
Damn, failed her save – if’n this was 3rd ed/3.5 it would’ve been a Will save…based on WIS, which Maddy can’t be TOO bad with if’n she got to be a paladin…but then again, regardless of how good someone’s save, a 1 always fails. 🙁
Rule of Drama says you can’t save if it’s more dramatic for you to fail. Rule of Funny says you can’t save if it’s funnier for you to fail.
Either, or both, may be in play here.
Exactly. Which is why I always see rolling a 1 as an opportunity for dramatic, or funny, or dramatically funny outcomes. “Immediately fatal” just isn’t any of those!
Eh, I don’t know. We’ve never actually seen her cast a spell, have we? We’re still low enough she shouldn’t have more than a couple of spells even *with* a good Wisdom, anyway. She might just not be bothering with spellcasting, which takes some of the pressure off a class that needs between three and five good abilities.
What’s more worrying is that Maddie ought to have Divine Grace, and we know her Charisma’s no slouch. So either that vamp has some really good Charisma too or Maddie failed *hard*. (Vamp dominate is Cha-based, right?)
Yup. Dominate’s a supernatural ability, which means the DC is 10+1/2 HD+Cha Mod.
The hard question is what’s our (un)friendly neighborhood Vampire’s level. She has a decent Cha (safe assumption of a bare minimum is 14 since Vamps get +4 for being vamps), so the DC is actually pretty high, though Maddie’s no slouch in the Will Save department either (even if she’s got no Wisdom, Will is a good save for Paladins plus her Cha).
Looks like the 1 to me. That said, per the spell description: “Subjects resist this control, and any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus.” Attacking her friends is WAY out of character for Maddie, so the mere act of attacking might be triggering new saves.
That said, I’m predicting a Jello Surprise to stop her rampage, as that’s about the only person on our side who could go toe to toe with Maddie.
On the plus side, Mimic has no head, so he’s not especially vulnerable to the mighty vorpal shovel.
Someone must have rolled a 1.
Madeline may be a paladin, but I’m pretty sure we’ve established that her Wisdom is somewhere around 3.
I don’t know. It’s pretty clear she dumped Intelligence, but in my experience it’s kind of hard to write a low-Intelligence, high-Wisdom character in a way that gets that particular point across.
Two words: Forrest Gump
She dumped her INT so hard her other stats must be sky-high.
Looks like INT is a common dump stat for paladins (CHA is the dump for most classes/people), which further reinforces the “lawful dumb” stereotype, but luckily she doesn’t play like that. Paladins need some wisdom, sure, and I think the “dumb but stat-wise” creatures are covered – Like certain monsters who have, like, INT 1-2 but pretty high WIS; They can’t figure basic intelligent race stuff, but they can feel that something’s up.Most fiction characters who would qualify as having low Wisdom are those who are often warned out-of-loud how that they should pay more attention or they are being too impulsive.
In Madeleine’s case, she might have pretty good Wisdom; She’s naive, but so far she wasn’t shown to be dumb as a door. She knows something’s up to the point of SMELLING evil. Checking every wisdom trait I can check so far, Madeleine didn’t broke any. About Inteligence, I wonder if our favourite ragtag bunch of dungeon monsters aren’t being spared by her abysmal INT. Paladins are supposed to be religious, but Knowledge (Religion) is INT-based, so she might be acting more on “feel” than “think”. Unless there’s some church there welcoming a rust monster, a mimic and a gelatinous cube, they are on her side probably because she’d be the one getting a baby bottle before being presented to the baby orc (or, alternatively, “slay this unaligned ant”) problem.
That TL;DR said, I’m considerably worried about this hipster vampire bunch, given it managed to dominate someone with at least decent willpower and at least some anti-evil spell assuming she’s at least Level 4. Blame her intelligence for fumbilng her Vampires 101 classes.
“Drat, should’ve used protection”. (From evil)
I don’t remember where “PBS” was mentioned here…
Looking for PBS with Google, I get a result like “settings in robots.txt prevent us from showing results”.
Maybe this is not the intention ?
In the US, PBS stands for “Public Broadcasting System” – the company that shows things like Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, both of which are big on puppets.
If you see two puncture wounds, does that mean Maddie & Coolella were necking?