Level 6: #12
Chapter: Comic, Level 6 — Fangs for Nothing
Hey guys, hey guys,
Name these two and win a Gnome-Prize;
Hey guys, hey guys,
Name these two and win a Gnome-Prize.
Edit: To clarify, these two are vampires, siblings, and formerly human. Vampirism has its perks, such as trendy pointy ears. Sorry for any confusion.
I do like junii’s suggestion of Billy and Mandy.
But for my money … a Gothic castle which is the center of an area of weirdness?
Brad & Janet!
Brad and Janet, seconded.
Hiiiipsteeeeeerrrrr. ?__?
That is all.
(Also: captcha cookie to post things? Wot?)
A strange fate awaits immortal fae, for these are not the Shakespearean sort; to be named by a nameless audience. Too trendy to be anything but mondain, and yet too surrealistic to be limited to by conventional western naming traditions. Mayhaps we should invest these individuals with names of natural power: Moose and Swirl? Emotional power: Inclemence and Dolorous? Hollywood stage villains: Doctor Arcadius Montrovello & The Fashionista?
Just a little suggestion, considering they sound like hipsters…
Min and Streem? (of course, ironically)
Trip aaaaaaaaand… Liesl.
Simona and Garfunkel
I just noticed that male hipster’s legs in the last panel are facing the wrong way.
Irony and Winer.
The Darklance Twins! Xia and Xanthis, that is if they are siblings.
Edvard and Bælla
Twilight and Sparkle
Hipsters. That means we need to slam a “high class” literary reference, and then the other needs a matching “ironic” “low class” literary reference. Also, we’ve already had references to Shakespeare this arc already. Let’s drive them home hard!
What have we got here…
Cordelia and Edward? Bonus points, because Edward can be indignant and pretend it’s a Shakespearian character (“From The Tragedy of King Richard the Third, THANK YOU VERY MUCH”) but everyone knows it’s really a reference to twilight. Cordelia, because, although he storyline PROBABLY has nothing to do with it, Cordelia was a major tragic figure. Can’t be Desdemona, because the “demon” in the name is too obvious. Juliet is just NO; same with MacBeth.
On the other hand, this might get TOO Shakespearian. In that case… Cynara (see: “Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae” aka “Cynara”) and… Stoker? Cynara is one of the most pretentious things you can reference (oh yeahhhh, check out this poem nobody knows about but still has tremendous pop culture influence (ie: “Gone With The Wind”), it’s about a dead girl, AND it’s all about drowning an aching sense of empty despair in whatever means possible – perfect for both hipsters AND vampres! Win / win / win / win! Stoker’s famous for inventing the modern vampire (he wrote “Dracula”), but Stoker’s also famous for… not actually being any good. There’s a lot of other stuff that ties in with “Stoker” as the name but I needed to go to bed about 2 hours ago, so I’m just going to cut it short there.
TL;DR “Cynara and Stoker.” Victorian lit nerds will love it.
I know this makes me bourgeoisie trash, but to me Cordelia will always be the mean-girl rival of Buffy the vampire slayer (and later Girl Friday to the title character on Buffy’s spin-off show Angel).
Also while Stoker automatically means Bram to real vampire fans, I personally always think of Austin. Not the one from Precinct 13, but the one in Deadlands Downtown, which was likely named after him.
How about naming them Who and What? Who can be on first, What can be on second, and the greater demon Idoh-no can be somewhere in the nine circles of hell.
That would imply eventually getting to third base and we all know the hipster dude is never managing that.
Lister Phister and his twisted sister (Abbelister — Abby for short)
Grimdark and Edgi.
Cliche and Click. cliche is the guy, thats why she said So Cliche. She was asking him what he was going to do seriously. and Click. well she’s all into the latest and greatest right? so she’s in the right click. her own? 🙂
Hmmm, for names…
Lunk, and Noway, for a passing resemblance to Link from Zelda, and the ‘hey guys! Hey guys!’ 😛
Odd counterpoint – the Captcha Code disagrees with me, and says ‘Waay’.
Moxie and Rufus. (Because Moxie Fruvous is the only hipster-ish band I know)
I do enjoy the irony of a vampire wearing a sun dress.
Why not Sunny then. And.. oh.. Ray?
Or Ariel and Sebastian. Just cause.
Buffy and Spike (or Angel).
How about Hipstan and Hipstella?
Billy and Mandy fo sho.
Octavius and Delia
Franz and Tala. Those aren’t too mainstream, right? (Really, I just looked through babynames.com and found names that weren’t on anyone’s list)
It is a sad time we live in when Germans, Swiss, and Austrians are no longer naming their sons Franz.
Maybe a take on Hansel & Gretel Von Knaastiface? From feywinds?
i just reread the challenge here…
My bad, I thought you were asking for a reference on a brother & sister set of vampires…
Gideon Alucard Gravebound (a.k.a. “D-man” Gravebound) and Leah Fang. (They’re half-siblings, I guess? Do they have to be siblings at all?)