Hands, shmands. A couple rows of shark’s teeth or tentacles! And where the hell is Rusty? I mean the iron pig BBQ comes to town and he’s nowhere around?
And the moral of this story, Grasshopper is……..Never, Ever Piss-Off two good looking chicks, who happen to be melee combat specialists when you are a ranged type class (mage, necromancer, whatever). Especially if they have help 😛
Roxy has so far always struck me as more of a supporter/light weight fighter than an advanced melee fighter (The silent whistle to distract the Gnolls and allowing GC and Rusty to start wreaking havoc on them)
Then again, she single handedly bashed in Cleavehand’s head with her banjo/lute, so I wonder if she could qualify as a berserker who is triggered by fear?
To put it simply: Rusty isn’t here because the story would suck if he was.
I like to call it the Phoenix Effect, after the Marvel hero Rachel Summers. She was part of Excalibur (British XMen) and the team makeup was 4 mid range heroes and Phoenix, the cosmic entity of whateverness. So any time there was any kind of battle, the first thing that happened was that Phoenix would get stunned, brained, or be otherwise occupied so she didn’t rend the other side in half immediately and render the story pointless.
Same thing is happening here. Villain is made of metal. Rusty eats metal and would end villain in 15 seconds. That wouldn’t provide any kind of drama, so he’s off eating someone’s aluminum siding or ‘counting’ the night’s ticket sales.
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The princess uses close combat… it’s super effective!
Jesus God, he’s still fighting even after all of that? What the hell class did this guy multi into, Arch Unstoppable Pain in the Ass?
He multi classed into final boss.
Hands, shmands. A couple rows of shark’s teeth or tentacles! And where the hell is Rusty? I mean the iron pig BBQ comes to town and he’s nowhere around?
I think Bug will be along in a few moments…
Mimic is quite the Boomf Box… 🙂
He will be shortly morphing into a black and blue box with all this abuse he has been taking.
Looks like he was forged for war. :O
In his dazed state, Calamitus appears to have discovered the joy of Spoonerisms.
Now, watch as he casts “Wall Of Fire” only to be inundated with strands of wire…!
If transblending blesh and flood allows you to withstand that kind of damage, I want to do it too.
I called it – Cube is gonna save the day again!
And the moral of this story, Grasshopper is……..Never, Ever Piss-Off two good looking chicks, who happen to be melee combat specialists when you are a ranged type class (mage, necromancer, whatever). Especially if they have help 😛
Roxy has so far always struck me as more of a supporter/light weight fighter than an advanced melee fighter (The silent whistle to distract the Gnolls and allowing GC and Rusty to start wreaking havoc on them)
Then again, she single handedly bashed in Cleavehand’s head with her banjo/lute, so I wonder if she could qualify as a berserker who is triggered by fear?
Gyagh, I’m over thinking this.
Well, she was raised by barbarians…
Good job mimic! You caught his foot with your face.
now would be a good time for summon…
To put it simply: Rusty isn’t here because the story would suck if he was.
I like to call it the Phoenix Effect, after the Marvel hero Rachel Summers. She was part of Excalibur (British XMen) and the team makeup was 4 mid range heroes and Phoenix, the cosmic entity of whateverness. So any time there was any kind of battle, the first thing that happened was that Phoenix would get stunned, brained, or be otherwise occupied so she didn’t rend the other side in half immediately and render the story pointless.
Same thing is happening here. Villain is made of metal. Rusty eats metal and would end villain in 15 seconds. That wouldn’t provide any kind of drama, so he’s off eating someone’s aluminum siding or ‘counting’ the night’s ticket sales.
And I still want to see Madeline show up. >_>
Dude, Madeline can’t be in this fight for the same reason Rusty can’t. She’s a paladin.
(Sound of Calamitus being vaporized by a Smite Evil)
MADELINE: All too easy.
Bite ‘is kneecaps off!