He handled the situation pretty offhandedly, really, with just a flick-her of disdain. If he’d balled the ghostly digits into a fist and knocked her back with it, though, that would have been a real punchline. 😀
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So that’s how he was able to capture her.
I love Calametus’ eyes in the last panel.
The eyes wouldn’t be so funny without the look of pure ennui in panels two and three.
If you’re seeing an expression in those two tiny yellow dots then you have sharper vision than I.
The round part of the semi circles face up in the fourth while it faces down in the other three
brilliant AND hllarious
Wow, he managed to not die instantly to the princess’s fists of fury, let’s give the man a hand!.
Now we get to the part where Cube and Bug save the day, while Mimic stands around making snide comments.
Man, what a bad pun. Let’s give him a big hand!
someon should defeat him with a better pun lolz
Anyone who thinks this is a bad pun, raise your hands…
Talk to the hand!
Because the princess’s fist has no desire to understand.
You got to hand it…no wait, already taken.
Give him a big…nope.
Look how hand…ugh.
Big ham hand. Yeah, that’ll work. 😀
He handled the situation pretty offhandedly, really, with just a flick-her of disdain. If he’d balled the ghostly digits into a fist and knocked her back with it, though, that would have been a real punchline. 😀
Sorry. I’m tearing up… That was beautiful…
Backup zingers. Anytime now.
How about…
OMG, the way he fights is so Under Handed…..
The puns are getting really out of (claps hand over mouth) no…. no more hand puns!!
Every good sorcerer knows their best resource is Bigby’s Book of Being Handy.
It may appear that he has the situation well in hand, but we know the princess has at least one trick up her sleeve.
rusty eat magic hand ?
= magik rust monsta
How rude, giving her the finger.
Calamitus can handle himself in a fight.
In any case, he seems to have this situation well in hand.
(Might as well clear out any remaining bad puns from the…
wait for it….
…Pun HANDbook)
My apologies, AMRIV already had the “Well in hand” pun. So sorry.
Oh well, call that one a hand-me-down pun.
it sais bigbys kung-foo grip? and i lost the game
Gaaaah. More than a decade later, and you made me lose the game, too.
Everyone knows that puns make magic more effective.
That line was… Richard-worthy.
(LFG reference on my part…)
It seems he knows exactly how to HANDle her.
More like Bigby’s Flicking Finger.
Was the alt-text vetted by Wotco during the legal dispute, or did it just get overlooked?
Mage Hand’s only supposed to be able to lift 5 pounds though . . .
Ain’t Mage Hand, it’s Bigby’s Interposing Digits.