Haven’t seen Tarta in a while, either, unless she’s in the sack hanging above the boss.
Of course, the mast to the left of the panel is probably another rail ship. Is this two ships passing in the night? Or is that the first hint of an enemy about to board?
Upon closer inspection of said sack, it appears that she is indeed inside the satchel, save for her head poking through a hole in the side of it. Question is, will she turn into a cat, and will said cat be let out of the bag?
Any questions about someone who looks like a wizard running an operation in Deep Seattle can be directed to the guy with the bag over his head from earlier in the chapter. I get the feeling he won’t be too forthcoming with his answers, though.
Rusty and Co. and rustyandco.com is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards’ trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at Wizards.com
Ooh… I think they’ve lost track of Anti-Madeline. That’s gonna come back to bite a whole lotta people (Mimic and Stabs as well in all fairness).
Haven’t seen Tarta in a while, either, unless she’s in the sack hanging above the boss.
Of course, the mast to the left of the panel is probably another rail ship. Is this two ships passing in the night? Or is that the first hint of an enemy about to board?
They were caught trying to escape the ship then brought up on the dock to the Boss, I think the mast is for the boat they were just on.
Also, we’ll see upon closer inspection, but the boss bears a bit of a resemblance to the pointy-headed disguise used by our MIA monarch.
Also also, are those public-broadcasting Kraken’s arms, sans puppets?
Let it be added that a captain’s mast is a non-judicial disciplinary hearing.
Relevant? We shall see
Upon closer inspection of said sack, it appears that she is indeed inside the satchel, save for her head poking through a hole in the side of it. Question is, will she turn into a cat, and will said cat be let out of the bag?
She may be a pig in a poke.
What side is Mimic on? What a weird question. It’s quite clear Mimic is toppled on his left side at the moment she asks it…
A double meaning: that would imply that he is on his OWN side, which is also completely correct in several ways.
He’s not on her side, but she’s stuck with him.
Any questions about someone who looks like a wizard running an operation in Deep Seattle can be directed to the guy with the bag over his head from earlier in the chapter. I get the feeling he won’t be too forthcoming with his answers, though.
I feel the presence of some bearded being…
Lemme guess: The Wizard of Cod? Gandalf the Bay? Albus Dumblewharf? Marlin?
Nah, he’s most probably Rincewend.
Albass Perchival Wharfric Brine Albacore.
The Princess in Drag?
The Prodigal Daughter?
I didn’t have the chance to ask this at the time, but who else recognized her back in chapter 4?
He’s obviously one of the Conjurers of the Coast….
Uh, well, damn if it isn’t the Wizard of Odd. I don’t think we’re in Kansas City anymore, Rusty.
It is a bit fishy.
Well, yes it could be the Wizard of Some Geographic Feature that Will Remain Nameless.
Wizard of the Beach? Wizard of the Shore? Ooh, ooh, Wizard of the Harbor Town!
Looks like Tarta will have to find a new job, because she’s been sacked.
Hey, uh, people were mentioning that the
But he looks a LOT like this guy, Mr. Spellbookie here https://rustyandco.com/comic/level-8-152/
Just a guess though.
On the other hand, this is probably going to be the return of Mr. Kraken’s Neighborhood given the tentacles.