Gold is shiny and pure after all. It’s only the LOVE of money which is the root of all evil; you’re totally allowed to have one-night stands with it. Especially after saving it from an unhealthy relationship with someone who only wanted to control it.
I mean, picking up treasures which you just found laying around is preventing litter! Not only is it Celestial-approved, but the druids will love you for it.
In other news: Oh god, the alt-text! CAN’T…STOP…LAUGHING!
“It’s only the LOVE of money which is the root of all evil; you’re totally allowed to have one-night stands with it.”
That line reminds me so much of Haley from Order of the Stick.
In Ye Old Poker Hut, Our Heroic Mime
Was losing the gold from last week’s find
Then salvation came just in time
By a Paladin named Madeline
And a Paladin does not ‘loot’, they, um, salvage the goodies, er, ill-gotten goods for proper restitution. Yeah. That works. And my other job is driving a turnip cart.
And last I looked, a hoe has a 1:1 hit/damage. Well, farming is great for building muscles.
In my, brief, career as a paladin I used to insist that we should trackdown the rightful inheritors of treasure that murderers and monsters collect. This did not go down well with the, ridiculously incompatible, party I was with.
@Squeamish – that’s the advantage of being a shape-shifter. Coffee stained teeth? Just reabsorb those ‘teeth’ back into your body, and form new, clean, shiny ones!
Actually I agree, and it actually is more effective than the waistless jobs.
“Did I just smite all your poker buddies?” Is not something you hear every day.
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Okay, I’m interested in where this is going.
Must be an epic hoe on her back to do all that damage…
But…why was a paladin shamelessly LOOTING from the baddies she slew? (sounds unprovokedly, too)
‘Cause even paladins have expenses.
Gold is shiny and pure after all. It’s only the LOVE of money which is the root of all evil; you’re totally allowed to have one-night stands with it. Especially after saving it from an unhealthy relationship with someone who only wanted to control it.
I mean, picking up treasures which you just found laying around is preventing litter! Not only is it Celestial-approved, but the druids will love you for it.
In other news: Oh god, the alt-text! CAN’T…STOP…LAUGHING!
“It’s only the LOVE of money which is the root of all evil; you’re totally allowed to have one-night stands with it.”
That line reminds me so much of Haley from Order of the Stick.
…okay, they were Slaads; nevermind!
(and sorry for the UNINTENTIONAL double-entendre; honest!)
When in doubt, run…dont ask!
In Ye Old Poker Hut, Our Heroic Mime
Was losing the gold from last week’s find
Then salvation came just in time
By a Paladin named Madeline
And a Paladin does not ‘loot’, they, um, salvage the goodies, er, ill-gotten goods for proper restitution. Yeah. That works. And my other job is driving a turnip cart.
And last I looked, a hoe has a 1:1 hit/damage. Well, farming is great for building muscles.
In my, brief, career as a paladin I used to insist that we should trackdown the rightful inheritors of treasure that murderers and monsters collect. This did not go down well with the, ridiculously incompatible, party I was with.
I was a paladin in a party like that once. I feel your pain.
It’s not really a hoe; it’s a very well disguised +5 Holy Avenger. (Hoe-ly Avenger?)
As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what it is.
How the hell does Mimic keep his teeth so pearly white? I’m jealous!
@Squeamish – that’s the advantage of being a shape-shifter. Coffee stained teeth? Just reabsorb those ‘teeth’ back into your body, and form new, clean, shiny ones!
There were thirteen clergy in two straight lines;
The youngest one was Madeline.
*imagining the character from the children’s books dressed up as a French Paladin*
…cool mental image, but I should probably stop before it goes somewhere it shouldn’t.
I love her armor for some reason. She’s the cutest thing. 🙂
Actually I agree, and it actually is more effective than the waistless jobs.
“Did I just smite all your poker buddies?” Is not something you hear every day.
Is she scratching her arse in panel four? Where’d that hand go?
oh I have missed this so
Next time I’m losing at poker, I should summon a paladin, too!